

中国合资企业 随着中国经济的低迷,以及中美、中欧关系未来的不确定性,我们的中国业务律师最近发现,越来越多的公司希望建立中国合资企业,以 "分担风险"。如果做得好,中国合资企业的确可以分担风险。但当

China manufacturinemployment lawyers

Update Your China Employee Handbook NOW

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, China has released and updated countless national and local employment laws to deal with rapidly changing circumstances. In the United States and the EU, best practices usually dictate that you update your company’s employee handbook at least once a year and even more often if there have been

China factory due diligence

How to Manage a Chinese Factory

Many Chinese factories are hurting right now. Badly. This should come as no surprise. First they went through months of closures due to the coronavirus, and just when they opened they faced massively reduced demand. Chinese factories are closing left and right and many of those that are open are facing reduced demand and falling

Hand taking a photo of another man speaking to a group of people

An FAQ on China PPE

Last week, Fred Rocafort (one of our international trade lawyers), Dan Pak (a VP of Procurement at a large East Coast hospital chain) and I put on a 90+ minute webinar on navigating PPE purchases from China. Based on the feedback we have received and the fact that a number of webinar companies have asked

International IP lawyers

China Employer Protections in These Tough Times

Though many of our clients that manufacture in China are leaving China because of the costs, the difficulties and the tariffs, many of our clients that sell their goods and services into China are looking to move into China or grow their operations there. No matter what is going on in or regarding China, China

Force Majeure lawyers

Force Majeure in the Time of Coronavirus

Way back in the pre-coronavirus days — October 30-2019 — in Do Not Let Force Majeure be a Major Force In Your China Contract, we did a post warning of force majeure provisions in contracts with Chinese companies. That post began with the following warning/joke; Pull out and look at your contract with your Chinese

Drawing of prisoners at the middlesex house of correction

Forced Labor in China: Don’t Trust AND Do Verify

The issue of forced labor in China has been in the news recently. In part, this is due to the connection between this issue and the larger human rights crisis in Xinjiang. However, forced labor is hardly a problem confined to Xinjiang, as a recent scandal involving British supermarket chain Tesco shows. Last month, Tesco

man throwing money into retirement bank

Hiring a Retired Person in China: The Legal Issues

Foreign companies doing business in China fairly often ask our China employment lawyers whether they can legally hire someone who has passed the legal retirement age. The short answer is that doing so is legal, but somewhat complicated. Consider this hypothetical. Employer employs Employee (male) for several years. Employee turns 60, the statutory retirement age,

China company due diligence

China Employment Contracts: It’s Not Too Late to Check Yours

If you have employees in China, you must have a written employment contract with each and every one of your employees. Employing anyone (Chinese citizen or expat) in China without a current, enforceable, China-centric employment contract puts you at massive risk for financial penalties and worse. Late last month, China’s Ministry of Human Resources and

men in suit with computer screens as heads with images of eyes, ears, and mouths

Understanding the U.S. Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA)

We Americans do not like foreign governments or their agents meddling in our domestic affairs, whether it is China, Russia, Iran, Syria, or some less reprehensible regime. We do not even like friendly foreign governments meddling in our affairs. I am not talking about traditional CIA/007 spies or agents who operate in the shadows, mainly