china law blog

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) from China: Where Have All the Dollars Gone?

Incoming China FDI. Gone with the Wind. If you are waiting for your Chinese investor to get your company promised investment funds any time soon, you are probably in for a long slog. Most companies, both private and public, do not care who provides their investment capital (as long as the investors are content being

International lawyers China lawyers

Want to Keep Your Business in China? Do These Things NOW

China today announced that it will be ridding China of unreliable people and companies. See China is establishing an ‘unreliable entities’ list that will include companies and people. Specifically, China’s Ministry of Commerce announced it will kick out of China “foreign enterprises, organizations and individuals that do not comply with market rules, violate the spirit

Huawei Sales Ban

The Huawei Sales Ban

The real economic threat posed by the US-China trade war is not tariffs. The real threat has always been the U.S. government prohibiting product sales to China and product purchases from China and focus on the tariff issue misses this. As we wrote in Who Pays the Tariffs on China Imports? there are various things companies



1.美中关系恶化不应令人惊讶 从美中贸易谈判一开始,我们就明确地对达成协议的可能性持否定态度,我们为此受到了大量的批评,包括通过仇恨邮件、网络,甚至来自我们自己的一些客户,他们指责我们太过

中国 美国关系


1.中国违背了开放经济的承诺 我在中国的前排坐了十多年。我的律师事务所在2006年1月开始写这个博客,而在那之前,我们早就在中国和亚洲其他地区代表外国公司。当我们开始这个博客时,我们是



1.西方公司希望离开中国并正在离开中国 《华尔街日报》上周在头版刊登了一篇关于美国公司寻求减少其在中国的风险的文章。这篇题为 "单靠贸易协议不会解决紧张的美中商业关系 "的文章,强化了我们几个月来一直在说的美国和中国企业如何在中国市场上获得成功的问题。

China's new foreign investment law

China’s New Foreign Investment Law Benefits: Like Putting Lipstick on a Pig

Image by Ixocactus In a series of recent posts, we discussed how the media and many commentators have wrongly ascribed great things to the new PRC Foreign Investment Law. See New China Foreign Investment Law: Not Good News, China’s New Foreign Investment Law and Forced Technology Transfer: Same As it Ever Was and China Approves New

China's new foreign investment law

China’s Foreign Investment Law: Not Good News

In China’s New Foreign Investment Law and Forced Technology Transfer: Same As it Ever Was and in China Approves New Foreign Investment Law to Level Playing Field for Foreign Companies. MEH, we wrote how we were not impressed with China’s new Foreign Investment Law 中华人民共和国外商投资法. Since then, a number of commentators (who near as I can