BW photo of man walking through fog

Why Not to Teach English in China

If you are thinking about taking a job teaching English in China, my strong advice is DON'T DO IT. Look for such a job in Vietnam or Thailand or Japan or Spain or Mexico or Colombia or Brazil or the Czech Republic or really just about anywhere else in the world. I say this because teaching English in China has become that corrupt, that horrible, that exploitive, and that risky.

china law blog

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) from China: Where Have All the Dollars Gone?

Incoming China FDI. Gone with the Wind. If you are waiting for your Chinese investor to get your company promised investment funds any time soon, you are probably in for a long slog. Most companies, both private and public, do not care who provides their investment capital (as long as the investors are content being

International lawyers China lawyers

Want to Keep Your Business in China? Do These Things NOW

China today announced that it will be ridding China of unreliable people and companies. See China is establishing an ‘unreliable entities’ list that will include companies and people. Specifically, China’s Ministry of Commerce announced it will kick out of China “foreign enterprises, organizations and individuals that do not comply with market rules, violate the spirit

Huawei Sales Ban

The Huawei Sales Ban

The real economic threat posed by the US-China trade war is not tariffs. The real threat has always been the U.S. government prohibiting product sales to China and product purchases from China and focus on the tariff issue misses this. As we wrote in Who Pays the Tariffs on China Imports? there are various things companies

Doing business in China

Why NOW Is a Good Time to Double Down on Doing Business IN China

1. Things are Bad Between China and the West In yesterday’s post, Doing Business in China or with China: It’s All Good, I talked about how we would try to move away from focusing so much on declining relations between China and the West and focus more on China’s business opportunities, of which there are still many.

US China Cold War

The US-China Cold War Starts Now: What You Must do to Prepare

1. Worsening US-China Relations Should Be No Surprise Since the very beginning of US-China trade negotiations, we have been unequivocally negative on the likelihood of a deal and we have taken huge amounts of heat for that, via hate e-mail, online, and even from some of our own clients who accuse us of being too

China USRelations

The US-China Trade War: Winter is Coming

1. China has Broken its Promises to Open Its Economy I’ve had a front row seat to China for well over a decade. My law firm started this blog in January, 2006, and we were representing foreign companies in China and the rest of Asia long before that. When we started this blog we were

international litigation lawyers

How to Leave China Safely

1. Western Companies Want to Leave China and Are Leaving China  The Wall Street Journal ran a front page article last week on American companies seeking to reduce their exposure to China. This article, Trade Deal Alone Won’t Fix Strained U.S.-China Business Relations, reinforces what we have been saying for months about how American and

China's new foreign investment law

China’s New Foreign Investment Law Benefits: Like Putting Lipstick on a Pig

Image by Ixocactus In a series of recent posts, we discussed how the media and many commentators have wrongly ascribed great things to the new PRC Foreign Investment Law. See New China Foreign Investment Law: Not Good News, China’s New Foreign Investment Law and Forced Technology Transfer: Same As it Ever Was and China Approves New