在20世纪80年代初,美国空军委托著名汉学家Lucian Pye撰写一份关于中国人如何与外国人谈判的报告。该报告于1982年出版,名为《中国商业谈判风格》。基于对从事中国贸易的外国人的广泛采访,Pye的论文分析了中国人与外国商人的谈判风格。Pye的
Mathew 是一名国际交易律师和企业顾问,专注于娱乐、技术和创意产业。Mathew 被《综艺》杂志誉为 "改变游戏规则的律师",在上海领导我们的中国办事处以及媒体和娱乐业务。他代表好莱坞主要电影制片厂和制片人参与电影和电视项目。马修的客户还包括科技公司、推广人和活动管理公司、建筑公司、大学和出版商。
在20世纪80年代初,美国空军委托著名汉学家Lucian Pye撰写一份关于中国人如何与外国人谈判的报告。该报告于1982年出版,名为《中国商业谈判风格》。基于对从事中国贸易的外国人的广泛采访,Pye的论文分析了中国人与外国商人的谈判风格。Pye的
体育转播未被认定为版权标的 中国成文法未将体育转播认定为版权标的,但在中国的一些判例法中,体育转播已被认定为版权标的。因此,体育品牌(如联赛或其授权方)有必要利用中国的反不正当竞争法打击盗版行为。
中国是数字化的。它的音乐市场几乎完全是数字的。这里的实体销售只占总市场的20%左右。 中国的互联网用户是美国人的两倍多。这里有大约9亿移动互联网用户,其中70%在网上消费音乐。这意味着有大约
让我告诉你我在中国的一个欧洲朋友的情况。好吧,他不是真的在中国。现在他在泰国。像许多外籍人士一样,他在边境关闭之前去那里快速度假,由于病毒的旅行限制,他已经被困了几个月了。 我的朋友希望匿名。我们只是
Many Chinese factories are hurting right now. Badly. This should come as no surprise. First they went through months of closures due to the coronavirus, and just when they opened they faced massively reduced demand. Chinese factories are closing left and right and many of those that are open are facing reduced demand and falling
The numbers coming out of China continue to amaze. There are 855 million digital consumers in China and they have more than twice as many internet users as the US has people. The Chinese are spending an average of 358 minutes per day online. They spend 8% of their online time streaming video content. A
Online gaming in China is subject to the same overall regulatory framework that applies to software as a service (SaaS) in China. The regulatory framework comprises no less than a dozen key components that have developed over the past twenty years or so. The development has not evolved neatly. Earlier regulations have not been comprehensively
I recently spoke in Beijing at a conference on legal protection of sports broadcasts, organized by the National Copyright Administration of China (NCAC) and the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Other speakers included Chinese judges, Chinese and American lawyers and academics, sports league and broadcaster general counsel, and American and European IP officials. What
Making a biopic – a biographical movie about real people– is complicated. And one of the biggest concerns is liability for defamation. In an ideal world, filmmakers would get everyone depicted in the movie to sign a release. But that’s often impractical: people want too much money, too much control over how they are depicted,