China Law Blog


中国就业最佳实践 掌握中国的就业法律有点像解开复杂的谜题。走错一步?你可能会面临巨额罚款、损害性诉讼,甚至刑事指控。不过不用担心!我们将丰富的经验融入到本指南中,帮助您更自信地应对。如果您想更好地了解中国

China Law Blog



China company due diligence
China Law Blog

China Employment Contracts: It’s Not Too Late to Check Yours

If you have employees in China, you must have a written employment contract with each and every one of your employees. Employing anyone (Chinese citizen or expat) in China without a current, enforceable, China-centric employment contract puts you at massive risk for financial penalties and worse. Late last month, China’s Ministry of Human Resources and

China employee questions
China Law Blog

(Before) Accepting a Job in China: The Questions to Ask

Most of my China employment work is for employers, but in the last few years, my work representing expat employees keeps rising and it now equals roughly ten percent of my China employment practice. This increase in expat employment law matters is due to two things: Chinese companies are hiring more expats, and word has

International due diligence checklist
China Law Blog

China Expat Employment Contracts

Hardly a day goes by without one of our China employment lawyers getting an email from a China expat seeking legal help involving an ex-employer. Many times they will briefly describe their situation and conclude their email with something like, “do I have a case?” Our employment attorneys nearly always respond with something like the

vintage insurance policy contract
China Law Blog

China Expat Employment Contracts: The 101

If you are an expat working or seeking a job in China, your China employment contract matters. If you plan to travel to China to take a new job there (or even just take a new job there) you should do all of the following Have your proposed employment contract checked by a China employment

China EMployment LAwyer
China Law Blog

How to Negotiate a Good Employment Contract with a Chinese Company That Wants to Hire You

It is common for China employers to deliver an offer letter to a potential expat employee stating the employer’s intent to enter into an employment relationship with that employee. An offer letter is typically a 1-2 page document and it usually proposes the employee’s work title, responsibilities and duties, work location, wages, employee benefits, and