Five Ways to Facilitate Leaving China Laws

Five Ways to Facilitate Leaving China

A couple months ago, in Five Ways to Accelerate Your China Market Entry, I wrote about how to facilitate a China market entry. I wrote that post because despite the US-China problems, there are still plenty of companies, both U.S. and otherwise, for whom entering into China still makes a lot of sense. But for

China Company due diligence Research

China Company Research: The 101

Looking to do business with a Chinese company? About to send a Chinese company some money? Want to know whether that Chinese company is worthy of your business and your trust? How do you do get information on a Chinese company when certain private investigatory work in China is illegal? Our clients often ask us to

International Trade Lawyers China Tariffs

Repeat After Me: There Will be No US-China Trade Deal

The US-China Trade War Is and Will be the New Normal I hate to say we told you so, but for nearly a year, WE TOLD YOU SO.  Since October, 2018 we have been all but screaming at anyone and everyone who has product made in China and sold into the United States to get

Hong Kong business law

Hong Kong for International Business: Stick a Fork in It

Not sure why nobody has just come out and said this yet, but Hong Kong as an international business and financial center is no more. I take no comfort in saying this because I have many friends in Hong Kong and I’ve always loved going there, but Hong Kong’s special position is over. Kaput. Fini.

China Risks

The Top 14 China Wild Cards

The below is a list of China wild cards, at least for today. Note that when a deck holds a wild card, the impact of the wild card is something that can be predicted. The wild card changes the rules, but the players all know the wild card will eventually be coming and they can

US ChinaTradeTariffWars

The US-China Trade War: What’s Next?

A lot has gone on with China this last week. 1. On August 1, 2019, President Trump announced that the United States will on September 1 impose a 10 percent tariff on essentially all Chinese goods not previously subject to tariffs. This latest round of tariffs is being referred to as “List 4” tariffs and

China Compliance Lawyers

The Five Keys to China Company Compliance

A few months ago, we did a post titled, Want to Keep Your Business in China? Do These Things NOW. We wrote that post because we were (and still are) seeing a massive uptick in foreign companies getting into legal trouble with the Chinese Government. China’s government has a long history of cracking down on

china law blog

China Hackers In Your Business Data? You Can (Almost) Fight Back

The recent U.S. bans on Chinese technology companies (by adding them to the U.S. Export Administration’s Entity List) are not new but are a continuation of ongoing concerns with Chinese government deficiencies. This is the same Chinese government that requires Chinese organizations “support, cooperate with and collaborate in national intelligence work,” accelerating China’s great technological

Dueling Translations

Does China WANT a Second Decoupling? The Chinese Texts Say That it Does

Presidents Xi and Trump prepare for a meeting next week at the G20 event with the purported goal of restarting negotiations to resolve the Section 301 tariff dispute and other trade issues between the U.S. and China. Many analysts and business people from both countries are confident this meeting will lead to resolution. Unfortunately, this

BW photo of man walking through fog

Why Not to Teach English in China

If you are thinking about taking a job teaching English in China, my strong advice is DON'T DO IT. Look for such a job in Vietnam or Thailand or Japan or Spain or Mexico or Colombia or Brazil or the Czech Republic or really just about anywhere else in the world. I say this because teaching English in China has become that corrupt, that horrible, that exploitive, and that risky.