China Quality Control

China QC Inspections

I have always thought it a mistake for a company not to have a quality control inspection done of its China products before shipping. The Quality Inspection Blog has a post, How much does an inspection in China cost? that puts the need for QC inspections into focus. The post starts out talking about the

When to register your China Trademark

China Legal Issues for Business: The Ten Minute Version

I spoke yesterday at the 2010 U.S. China Business Conference in Atlanta. I was tasked with talking about the legal issues American businesses face in China and the legal issues Chinese businesses face in the United States. I was given ten minutes. The below is my speech: I am going to be talking about the

china law blog

China Representative Offices: Getting Started

China Represenative Offices Why Representative Offices in China Seldom Make Sense I am always saying that for every 100 China WFOEs and Joint Ventures my law firm helps set up in China, it does one representative office. Why so few, when it is generally agreed that representative offices are the easiest type of offices for

How to License Your IP

China Licensing Agreements: The Key Provisions

The International Business Law Advisor Blog did a post, entitled, 6 Key Provisions You Should Include in Your International Licensing Agreements. I borrow extensively from that post for this one, but tailor it more towards China. I list out IBLAB’s tips in bold and then provide its explanation in normal font. My comments in italics

international compliance lawyers

China Guanxi: You Ain’t Got It

David Wolf at The Silicon Hutong blog just came out with a superb post riffing on the meaning of guanxi. The post A Few Notes on Guanxi [Link no longer exists] more accurately and concisely defines guanxi than anything I’ve seen. It is so good and so important, I feel I have no choice but

China versus Vietnam and Thailand for foreign investment

China is a Good Place for Foreign Companies

Our clients are always talking about where to invest in Asia, even more so in light of recent concerns about China no longer being a preferred destination for foreign investment. I have argued consistently that China is one of the best places for foreign investment in Asia. The World Economic Forum’s most recent Global Competitiveness

International letters of credit

International Letters of Credit

Understanding Letters of Credit Avoiding Pitfalls in International Transactions Letters of credit are complex financial tools that can be risky if not properly understood. This post will explain what letters of credit are, delve into potential complications, and provide advice to avoid risks when using them for international transactions. A Cautionary Letter of Credit Tale

China WFOE Legal Representative

The Long Slow Death of China Representative Offices

China is Killing Rep Offices For many years, Representative Offices (Rep Offices) were the go-to choice for foreign companies entering the Chinese market. They offered a faster, cheaper setup process and tax advantages compared to Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprises (WFOEs). However, the landscape is changing rapidly. A recent conversation with a fellow lawyer friend revealed a

China retail stores

China Retail: Creating Your Own Customers is Key

As China moves from “factory to the world” to a growth engine for the world, the number of foreign businesses wanting to sell into and within China is rapidly increasing. These days, product companies that contact our law firm are just as likely to ask about selling their product in China as to ask how

China lawyers

Why NDAs Do Not Work for China, but NNN Agreements Do

Why NDAs Fail in China: Use an NNN Agreement Instead A few years ago, in The Power of China-Specific NNN Agreements, I explained why China NNN Agreements are so important when doing business with China. Within a few hours of that post, one of my law firm’s China lawyers pointed out that if we are