玩具 "反 "斗城以 "商誉贬值 "为由对加拿大药房药材 "反 "斗城提起的商标诉讼获得成功

本月早些时候,加拿大联邦法院在零售玩具店 "玩具反斗城 "的商标诉讼中取得了胜利,该诉讼指控 "商誉贬值",以及其他包括商标侵权和 "假冒 "在内的诉讼理由,起诉总部位于加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省的药房 "药草反斗城"。作为参考,上面可以看到这两个标志。玩具 "反 "斗城是



我们对有史以来第一起大麻专利案--联合大麻公司("UCANN")诉纯大麻集体公司("Pure Hemp")的上一次更新,要追溯到2019年7月。从那时起,世界上发生了很多变化(尽管该案件基本上不引人注目),这个曾经被认为是该行业的 "关键 "案件的可能结局现在可能面临着






像往常一样,我们一直在监测大麻领域酝酿和活跃的商标纠纷,最近的一个例子涉及女童军这个机构。作为背景资料,以下是我们过去报道过的一些其他纠纷:Kiva诉讼案凸显了大麻行业持续的商标问题 大麻商标诉讼:网络

canna law blog

Cannabis Patent Litigation: What Constitutes Infringement?

As expected, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has continued to increase the number of patents issued containing the words “cannabis” or “marijuana” this year. Because we anticipate that the growing number of patents in this industry and progression of the first cannabis patent lawsuit (covered here, here, here, and here) inevitably will inspire more

canna law blog

CBD Products and False Advertising Under the Lanham Act

A few weeks ago, I wrote a Hemp/CBD litigation forecast in which I predicted that at some point a CBD company will make use of the Lanham Act by claiming that a competitor is engaging in false or misleading advertising. (See here). In that post I promised to go into the Lanham Act in further

canna law blog

The USPTO Has Granted its First Hemp Plant Patent

A first(!): Charlotte’s Web Holdings, Inc. (“CWB Holdings”), operated by the famed Stanley brothers, has secured the first-ever patent for a hemp cultivar in the United States. CWB Holdings is now the proud owner of a plant patent for “a new and distinct hemp cultivar designated as ‘CW2A.’” Patent documents describe CW2A as a hardy

canna law blog

New Trademark Litigation Against “Stoney Patch” Cannabis Products Calls Out an Industry Trend of Copycats

We’ve followed and written extensively about trademark litigation in the cannabis space for the last several years, which you can read about here: UPS Sues Multiple Cannabis Delivery Companies for Trademark Infringement The “Tiger Hemp Beer” Case: Clear Your Cannabis Trademarks Before Filing Yet ANOTHER Cannabis Trademark Infringement Case: Tapatio Foods Files Suit What NOT

canna law blog

Cannabis Patents: Will the Illegality Doctrine Ruin Everything?

Recently, William J. McNichol, Jr., Adjunct Professor at Rutgers University School of Law, wrote an article regarding the enforcement of cannabis patents that should definitely be discussed. As we’ve noted starting last summer, we expect to see an increasing number of patent infringement cases. We’ve also been providing updates on the very first patent infringement