HS 博客


美国太平洋标准时间 2023 年 3 月 8 日星期三下午 12 时,Harris Sliwoski 律师事务所律师保罗-科布尔(Paul Coble)和乔纳森-班奇(Jonathan Bench)将主持一个小时的免费网络研讨会,为区块链创业者讲解知识产权和国际商业基础知识。本次区块链网络研讨会将重点关注以下内容:网络3中知识产权的使用与网络2有何不同?如何

Upcoming Event – Trademarks and NFTs Roundtable

Register Here Harris Sliwoski attorney Fred Rocafort will participate in an upcoming roundtable on trademarks and NFTs (non-fungible tokens) hosted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), joining a panel of brand owners and practitioners. The roundtable will take place on Tuesday, January 24, starting at 10:00 AM, with Fred’s panel scheduled for

Upcoming CLE Webinar on Sustainability in Trademarks

Harris Sliwoski intellectual property attorney Paul Coble and Cantor Colburn partner Michelle P. Ciotola will be presenting “Sustainability in Trademarks” in a CLE webinar on January 31st, 2023, hosted by Strafford. “This CLE webinar will guide IP counsel on leveraging trademarks to convey sustainability. The panel will discuss the impact on brands and how they

Copy of Hilary Vince Chamber Award  Announcement

Harris Sliwoski Recognized by Chambers in 2022 Guide

Harris Sliwoski has once again been recognized by Chambers and Partners in its Chambers USA 2022 Guide. Chambers and Partners, a London-headquartered research company that publishes detailed rankings of the world’s leading law firms and lawyers, recently named Harris Sliwoski one of the top cannabis law firms in the United States and singled out two



1.墨西哥就业法基础知识 随着中国风险的增加和与中国脱钩的加速,墨西哥准备在正在进行的全球供应链重新安排中发挥更大的作用。将部分或全部生产迁往墨西哥的公司需要了解雇用当地人的法律要求。



每场灾难--在这一点上,我认为我们可以把2020-202X年的COVID-19大流行列入其中--都会产生 "赢家",即受益的人和公司。就在10多年前,我住在日本,当时一场毁灭性的地震和随之而来的海啸造成近2万人死亡,另有2500人失踪并被推定死亡。

替代争端解决方式 ADR


多年来,"替代性争议解决"(ADR)在合同起草和诉讼中都变得越来越普遍。大多数纠纷在某种程度上都会涉及某种程度的ADR,不管是合同要求的,还是法院要求的,或者是受诉讼成本驱动的,都远不是 "替代方案"。尽管被称为 "替代方案",但



1624年,荷兰西印度公司在被称为曼哈顿的岛屿南端建立了新阿姆斯特丹定居点。差不多从那时起,世界各地的投资者纷纷涌向 "不夜城",唱起了歌:开始传播消息,我今天要离开,我想成为其中一员