Forced labor act

The Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act Puts Your China Imports in Danger

The UFLPA, the Question of Legislative Intent, and Its Impact on SMEs Since the launch of the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (UFLPA) in the summer of 2022, there has been an undercurrent of discussion in the trade community regarding the law’s real intent. Is the law intended to weed out products made with Xinjiang

China due diligence lawyers

Due Diligence in China Just Got a Lot Harder: Now What?

With the wave of news surrounding due diligence company crackdowns in China, with Mintz Group and Bain & Co. as the highest profile targets to date (see here and here), a reporter reached out to inquire how legal practitioners are dealing with this diminished access. She wanted to know whether and how this complicates business

US-China relations are creating risks to your business

Three New AD/CVD Petitions: Steel Shelves, Steel Cylinders, Brass Rod

Last week saw a flurry of activity with three new AD/CVD petitions: (1) Boltless Steel Shelving Units from India, Malaysia, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam (AD only); (2) Brass Rod from Brazil, India, Israel, Mexico, South Africa, and South Korea (AD/CVD); and (3) Non-Refillable Cylinders from India (AD/CVD) Two of these petitions are sequels of AD/CVD cases

US ChinaTrade Policies

US-China Decoupling: Yes, No AND Maybe So

In a few weeks I will be testifying before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, and this is causing me to become a bit obsessed with US-China terminology. It is also making me increasingly tired of talking about “decoupling” and “cold wars” when there seems to be no clear definition for either. 1. On

China foreigner and dual national arrest risk

How to Assess Your Personal China Risks

With the recent slew of foreigner arrests in China for what many assume to be political reasons, the number of clients asking me about the risks to their employees in China has soared. This post is meant to help quantify the arrest/seizure risks to foreigners in China. 1. China as One Giant Casino In Jonathan

Banning TikTok

TikTok for Tat

TikTok has been in the news a lot lately, especially since its CEO Shou Zi Chew’s contentious testimony before the U.S. House Committee on Energy & Commerce. Americans are responding by asking different questions. Some, presumably including most of those who enjoy, and perhaps even create, TikTok content, ask, “Why are we whipping ourselves into

China contract drafting

The Best Way to Send a Draft Contract to Your China Counterparty

The other day I cleaned up and revised the various email templates our China lawyers sometimes use to answer frequently asked questions sent to us by our clients and potential clients. One of the common questions we get from clients is on how to send to the Chinese side of a deal the contracts our

Chinese companies in the United States and Mexico

Top Ten Reasons Chinese Companies Fail in America (and Mexico)

Way back in 2010, I wrote Ten Reasons Chinese Companies Fail In The U.S. for Forbes Magazine. My top ten list in that article was as follows: 1. Chinese companies focus on a Chinese consumer, not an American one. 2. Chinese companies fail to realize how one reputation-damaging mistake in the United States can doom

The China balloon and your international business

A Popped Balloon From China Presages Business Trouble

Last year, in Three Things Everyone Leaving China for Mexico Should Know, we talked about how when analyzing US-China relations, the “only politics worth watching are in Washington DC”: The politicians that matter to you are the ones writing, interpreting, executing, and judging United States trade laws. Don’t waste time and energy trying to read