China COVID lockdowns

The Real Meaning of COVID-zero.

I got an email from a friend/client yesterday and I liked it so much I got his approval to run it, lightly edited to strip out any possible identifiers and with links added. This friend/client runs what was for a long time a very successful manufacturing business in China. He owns and operates a company

China Company Lawyers

Chinese Company Lawyers

Chinese companies do not use lawyers the way most companies use lawyers. There are many reasons for this and it may eventually change.

China Supply Chain Nightmare

The China Supply Chain Nightmare: It Is Time to Panic

Fortune Magazine just came out with an article entitled: "Companies are beginning to panic: Experts say China’s lockdowns will make inflation and the supply chain nightmare even worse." To which my immediate thought was, "beginning"? Smart companies were panicking months ago; today is just the realization of so much of that panic. And do NOT say we did not warn you of all this. But before I turn to proving how our supply chain predictions have become reality, I will extensively summarize and quote from this Fortune article to get you up to speed with the disaster that is today's China supply chain. 

Web3 and blockchain

China and Web3 Crossover

Since launching our Web3 practice group, we have been getting steady inquiries regarding international business and web3 crossover, including China-affiliated companies. Essentially all web3 technologies are international in nature. But unless you are personally interested and invested in cryptocurrencies or your business is heavily dependent on blockchain technology, it is likely that you are part

Trees with scary fog

Sourcing Product From China Just Got Even Riskier

Sourcing product from China just got even riskier. Theses risks have never been higher and they just keep increasing. The Russian war and COVID in China are the key causes for this increased risk and both are nearly certain to get far worse.

How not to get China Scammed

How to Avoid International Scams

Scammers love operating internationally because it makes them more difficult to track and it also makes suing and collecting more complicated as well. They also seem to work better than domestic scams because the person being scammed too often thinks this is just how things are done in foreign country X because they do not actually know how things are done in  foreign country X. Crossing borders increases confusion stemming from a lack of knowledge regarding language, culture, and regulation. All this combines to make international scams widely popular. In this post we discuss some of the more common scams and, most importantly, we discuss how to avoid getting scammed.