China lawyers software license

China Software Licensing Registration Requirements

China Software Licensing Registration Challenges As China becomes increasingly risky and complicated for direct entry and subsequent in-country operations, licensing is becoming increasingly common for many Western companies. This is especially true for software companies. However, China’s network of licensing and royalty regulations has stymied many seeking to license their software for Chinese distribution. Requirements

China business etiquette

Chinese Business Dinner Etiquette: The Essentials

China Business Dinner Etiquette as Though it Matters Ten years ago, I’d often get asked about Chinese business dinner etiquette. Back then, “everyone” was going to China, and many were terrified about messing up. I would try to calm their nerves by explaining how etiquette is less important in China than it is in Korea

China distribution contract lawyers

Managing China Distribution: Best Practices for Protecting Your Interests

China Distributor Relationships Make Sense, Especially Now My law firm’s China lawyers  have drafted more China product distribution agreements in the last three years than in the ten years prior. Foreign companies want to profit from China’s consumer and industrial markets, but they are wary of going into China (or remaining in China) in a

private equity China

Xi Jinping is Coming to Town

Xi Jinping’s U.S. Visit If you have been paying attention to the headlines, you know that China’s Xi Jinping and US President Joseph Biden are meeting in San Francisco this week. They last met in person a year ago at the G20 Summit in Indonesia. The US and China at national levels have continued to

International distribution agreements

Setting Up Your Chinese Distributor for Success: Titles and Authority Matter

China Distribution Relationships We have written recently about the trend in China business as companies move away from joint venture relationships toward distributor relationships. This is happening with Chinese manufacturers and their non-Chinese distributors in the distributor’s home market. This is also happening in China with Chinese distributors or representatives and the non-Chinese manufacturers and

China risks

How Should We Be Thinking About Today’s China’s Business Environment?

China’s Current Business Climate: Questions Answered Because of our vantage point as an international law firm, we frequently get asked questions by boards of established companies, startup founders, regulators, and reporters. Below are some of the questions about China we have received lately. What is the threat level for foreign individuals and companies doing business

china law blog

Podcast: Fred Rocafort Discusses Forced Labor

Harris Sliwoski attorney Frederic Rocafort was a recent guests on the 6 Days in Suez podcast, to discuss forced labor compliance, a topic of growing importance to importers in the United States and beyond. Fred shared his experiences advising clients on how to navigate the increasingly challenging waters that surround forced labor enforcement in the United

International IP lawyer

The IP Risks of Chinese Third Party Hiring Agencies

Rethinking China Operations: Third-Party Hiring Agencies As foreign companies reduce their China operations to minimize risk, they often turn to third-party hiring agencies to staff projects without a local entity. But relying on these dispatch firms creates a major vulnerability: loss of valuable IP if specific protections aren’t in place. This post delves into how

China distribution contract lawyers

China Distribution Contracts

China Distribution Contracts The Evolving Landscape of Doing Business in China Over the past few years, China’s changing political, economic, and regulatory landscapes have posed increased challenges for foreign businesses. From escalating trade tensions to regulatory clampdowns, businesses have been navigating a minefield of risks in the country. These uncertainties, compounded by the global shift