
China PPE: Just When You Thought it Might be Safe to Go into the Water

The market for importing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and other medical supplies from China remains in chaos, much of which is caused by unclear government regulation in China. In advising clients on importing face masks and other PPE products from China, our PPE team advises that one of the biggest risks is that the export/import

how to buy PPE from China Webinar

How to Buy PPE from China

Contents of this Article: For-Profit PPE Buyers The Medical Provider/Government PPE Buyers China’s New PPE Rules How to Increase The Odds of Your PPE getting Through China Customs Getting Your China PPE Through U.S. Customs Buying products from China has always been risky, but COVID-19 puts us at an 11 out of 10 We Want

Everyone in China wants to live in the United States

Pharma Will be Leaving China to Come Home to the United States

Earlier this week, in Moving Your Manufacturing From China: Look South (Again) to Mexico and Puerto Rico, I highlighted a recent New York Post editorial that decried America’s “serious over-reliance on China for pharmaceutical production”, and called for Puerto Rico to once again become a “central hub of U.S. drug manufacturing”. Then on the same

International lawyers

Don’t Despair. China Isn’t Going Away Anytime Soon.

I am a glass half full kind of guy, which means that when I am reading and hearing all the bad news and pessimistic (and often well-researched) opinions coming out of the media, Twitter, academia, and the blogosphere (including this blog), I still think there must be a viable and a better path forward in


China’s Other Supply Chain Infection — Forced Labor

Photo of a Xinjiang “industrial park” from Quartz Magazine China’s coronavirus outbreak continues to damage the supply chain worldwide. But another sickness in China could eventually cause as much damage: the use of forced Uighur labor in factories all over China. China’s Coronavirus was initially limited to Hubei province and China’s oppression of Uighurs and

starting a business in China

Preparing Your Company for Business AFTER the Coronavirus

For more than a year we’ve been relentlessly writing about how China has become so much riskier for manufacturing and how so many companies that manufacture in China are desperately looking to move their manufacturing elsewhere. I predict that at least 50 percent of the American and European companies that do all of their manufacturing


As China’s Hemp Industry Suffers, U.S. Hemp Growers Prepare to Pounce

The U.S. hemp market continues to heat up for a variety of reasons, mainly because the general populace is finally starting to understand the difference between cannabis as marijuana and cannabis as hemp (and the benefits of CBD and other cannabinoids derived from cannabis). In this post I’ll discuss why China’s pain can be U.S.

hemp field in the sunshine

Will China Buy More U.S. Hemp Per the Phase One Trade Deal?

Two major President Trump-centric events have been unfolding these past few weeks, and each has alternatingly claimed the limelight and been overshadowed by the other. First, we have the ongoing Senate impeachment hearings, which began January 16, and second, phase one of the U.S.-China trade deal, which was signed and made public on January 15.