China licensing agreements

Negotiating A China Licensing Agreement

China Licensing Negotiations Our China lawyers have been increasingly drafting contracts for foreign companies licensing their brand names, concepts, or technologies for use in China. Historically, this type of licensing was primarily confined to the industrial sector. Nowadays, a significant portion of our work involves crafting licensing agreements for companies eager to tap into the

Working for a Chinese cmopany Pros and cons

Quick Question Tuesday, Part 8: Should You Work for a Chinese Company?

Should You Work for a Chinese Company? As lawyers, we spend a lot of time fielding good, bad, weird, interesting, deep, superficial, and all types of other questions from people. We’re generally expected to be oracle-level wizards, a lot like people are treating AI now. In this series, we’ll share some of these questions that

China due diligence lawyers

China Transactions When Your Due Diligence Says Don’t Do It

China Transaction Due Diligence My law firm’s international lawyers do a significant amount of transactional work, which we call “happy law.” It’s generally happy because the buyer and seller largely know what they want from the other side, and they have already agreed in principle on what the deal will look like. Both sides bring

China antidumping sign

Understanding U.S. Antidumping Cases Involving Imported Chinese Products

United States Antidumping Cases Companies importing products into the United States from China may be unfamiliar with terms such as “non-market economy (NME),” “respondent,” and “surrogate values.” However, this quickly changes when such companies’ imported goods are subject to a U.S. antidumping proceeding. U.S. antidumping or “AD” cases are complex. This is especially true for

US-China relations are creating risks to your business

Protect Your Business from the Deteriorating US-China Relationship

The Deteriorating US-China Relationship The US-China relationship has been deteriorating for years, but it continues to worsen with no end in sight. Doing business with Chinese companies is going to become increasingly difficult. Below we outline some of our concerns and some of the steps our international lawyers have seen businesses take to prepare themselves

Doing Business in China

Doing Business with China: A First Person Account

Doing Business In China A First Person China Business Story Eons ago, a veteran China hand responded to one of our blog posts by writing me with his own story of China problems. I found his story both typical and fascinating and sought his permission to run it. He gave me permission to run it

Studying in China. The pros and cons

Should I Study in China?

Should I study in China? This is a question many university students are asking themselves, particularly following the stabbing of four American instructors in the northeastern city of Jinan. While students considering studies in China need to be aware of certain risks, the question is not one that lends itself to a straightforward answer. Whether

The China bank switch scam lawyers

The Bank Account Switch Scam: It’s Baaaaack

The Bank Account Switch Scam The bank switch scam involves your regular product supplier asking you to make a payment to a new bank account or a new supplier asking you to make your first payment. After you make the payment, your supplier insists you still owe the full amount because it never received your