
California and Psychedelics: Getting Closer

Over the last few months, I’ve written a few posts about SB-519, a bill introduced by California State Senator Scott Wiener earlier this year that is intended to decriminalize a host of psychedelics – from psilocybin to ketamine to LSD (you can read those posts here, here, and here). SB-519 has passed through the California

California Department of Cannabis Control

The California Department of Cannabis Control is Now Live

This week, Governor Newsom took a major step in reforming California’s (pretty tortured) cannabis licensing program by signing into law Assembly Bill 141, which generally consolidates all cannabis licensing and oversight into the Department of Cannabis Control (“DCC”). In our view, centralizing all licensing and regulatory oversight into a single agency in California is a

california oregon washington wildfires cannabis

Fire Season is Coming

Summer’s here, a massive heatwave just hit the west coast, and fire season is right around the corner. This is the harsh reality for west coast residents and it doesn’t look like that’ll change anytime soon. Wildfires have a severe impact on entire communities and everyone can be impacted. But there are some unique issues

bloom kool cannabis trademark infringement

Cannabis Trademark Litigation: A Trademark is the Sum of Its Parts

In a case we’ve been watching closely, a California District Court Judge recently denied a motion by cannabis company Capna Intellectual. The motion sought to dismiss tobacco giant ITG Brands’ dilution claim for its “KOOL” brand. ITG’s branding uses “KOOL OOs” while Capna’s branding uses “BLOOM OOs.” As a refresher, in December 2020, ITG had

green yes button next to red no button

Is California Going to Ban Delta-8 THC?

For a state that pioneered medical cannabis and was a relatively early adopter of recreational cannabis (cannabis is defined only as marijuana here and not hemp), California is among the worst states in the union when it comes to sensible hemp-derived CBD policy. So it should surprise absolutely nobody that in legislation that’s designed to

california cannabis lease

California Cannabis Tenant Improvements: Top 7 Issues

Every single business that wants a cannabis license in California needs to buy or lease property, because licenses are tied to properties. Cannabis businesses usually opt for leases rather than purchases given the uncertainties in getting licensed or succeeding in business, and sometimes capital constraints. As part of the licensing process, state and local agencies

california cbd topicals

Did California Quietly Ban CBD Cosmetics?

If you’ve been reading our blog for the last few years, you know that California has taken a pretty absurd position on hemp-derived CBD for the last few years. Though the state led the charge to legalize cannabis (in California, “cannabis” is legally defined as only marijuana and not hemp), the state just can’t get

cannabis transaction closing

Cannabis M&A and Real Estate Transactions: What is a Closing?

Virtually any time that there are transactions involving cannabis company mergers, cannabis company acquisitions, or cannabis real estate sales, and in many cases involving the sale of assets of a cannabis company, the parties are likely to encounter a concept called “closing” in their purchase agreements. Closing isn’t necessarily unique to purchase and sale situations

California Cannabis Supply Chain Fees

California Cannabis Supply Chain Contracts: Fee-Shifting Provisions

California’s cannabis regime is set up to separate every point in the supply chain into different license types: cultivation, manufacturing, distribution, testing, and retail sales, to name a few. Except for a few vertically integrated companies, virtually all cannabis businesses must rely on other companies in the supply chain to get products from farm to