california dcc cannabis rulemaking

California DCC Engages in New Cannabis Rulemaking

The California Department of Cannabis Control (“DCC”) is undertaking new cannabis rulemaking pursuant to the Medicinal and Adult-Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act. Unlike other states, California hasn’t implemented sweeping changes to its cannabis regulations with immense impacts on the industry. Instead, it has adopted a series of emergency rules with substantive changes here and


SB 1074: California Cannabis Taxes Overhaul

I’ve written a couple of times about the ongoing struggle that is the California cannabis tax situation, and I was recently on a great panel about the future of cannabis taxes in the country. California cannabis taxes are some of the highest in the U.S.. The situation seems to be, thankfully, evolving for the better

los angeles county cannabis

BREAKING: LA County Will Allow Cannabis

Most people who aren’t familiar with California cannabis regulation are surprised to learn that legal cannabis is actually pretty rare throughout the state. Most cities and counties prohibit or severely restrict cannabis licensing. This includes most cities in Los Angeles county, and until recently, the county itself. But that’s all changing, because LA County will

cannabis in 2022

Cannabis in 2022: Let’s Look Forward Instead of Back

I really fought myself on putting together a festivus post of all that went wrong for the cannabis industry in 2021. Instead, I want to focus on the positives for 2022 as the industry continues to mature and expand across the U.S. and abroad. As 2021 comes to a close, here’s what I’m looking forward

cannabis company governance

Is Cannabis Corporate Governance Important?

Ask any good lawyer the question, “is cannabis corporate governance important?” The answer will be a resounding yes. So why is it often ignored? Why do so many cannabis businesses treat governance as a box to tick on a checklist just once? Here’s a fact pattern our cannabis attorneys have seen time and time again:

cannabis company taxes california

California Cannabis Taxes: Revolt vs. Reform

California cannabis taxes continue to plague the industry. California cannabis taxes are undoubtedly high (although not the highest in the country). The truth is that that’s not changing anytime soon. A few weeks ago, I did an interview with KCRW where operators bemoaned the current California cannabis tax situation. Their complaints are warranted given the

black piece of construction paper on wood background with question mark drawn in chalk

Does Medical Licensing Make Sense in Recreational Jurisdictions?

Cannabis licensing has a pretty standard trajectory by this point in time. States tend to start out with medical programs and later adopt recreational programs. What usually happens is that the recreational cannabis market swallows up the medical market. The majority of medical operators will seek out and get authorization to sell recreational cannabis, and

hemp cannabis california

Hemp, Hemp, Hooray in California! AB 45 is Now Law

As we anticipated, AB-45, California’s comprehensive legislation that finally regulates (and legitimizes) industrial hemp products is now law and takes effect immediately. Governor Newsom signed the bill into law this week. Pretty huge step in the right direction for California’s booming hemp products marketplace. How far has California come on the hemp spectrum when it

california cannabis financial ownership license dcc

California’s Adopted Emergency Cannabis Regulations: What Made the Cut

We wrote a couple of times about the Department of Cannabis Control’s (DCC) proposed emergency regulations. See here and here. Under those regulations, some interesting changes were proposed around the definitions of owners and financial interest holders, alongside restrictions on license stacking on “contiguous” premises (among other things). On September 15, 2021, the DCC submitted