Family Business Succession Planning

Family Business Succession Planning

Family business succession planning is critically important but far too often ignored or kicked down the road. Are you watching “Succession”? It’s an HBO drama on a family business that is a barely veiled satire of the succession drama that seems to have been playing out at Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. for the past three

What to Know if You’re Thinking About Buying Property in Spain

Seven Tips for Buying Real Estate in Spain

By Steven Rudmann + Nadja Vietz It is a great time to acquire vacation property in Spain, but important to thoroughly understand the legal and tax implications. In early 2020, market prices for vacation properties in Spain were rising, as they steadily had been since 2015. Then in March, COVID-19 hit the country hard. A long lockdown followed,

ForeignCompaniesDoingBusinessintheUnited States

Doing Business in the United States: State Laws Matter

Foreign companies doing business in the United States need to realize that state laws can matter every bit as much as U.S. federal laws. Many foreign companies know the U.S. is complex, but many do not know the extreme differences among U.S. states. The United States has been mired in a partisan struggle for several

Which State is best for foreign companies

In Which U.S. State Should We Set Up Our Company?

Every week we talk with international companies that are trying to bring their product or service to the U.S. market. The #1 question I get is: In which U.S. state should we set up our operations? I always respond like this: the answer to this question depends on your goals for your business. Then I

Will Your U.S. Judgment Be Enforced Abroad?

Will Your U.S. Judgment Be Enforced Abroad?

My law firm is frequently contacted by U.S. lawyers with judgments they are seeking to enforce overseas. The lawyer is seeking our assistance to enforce its U.S. court judgment against a foreign company that did business with the lawyer’s U.S.-based client. The procedural history is nearly always the same. The litigator served the defendant and,

Buy Real Estate in Mexico as a Foreigner

How to Buy Real Estate in Mexico as a Foreigner

The US-China trade war has vaulted Mexico far past China as a U.S. trading partner, and as global companies seek to diversify their supply chains, Mexico offers proximity to U.S. markets, modern infrastructure, access to ports for global distribution and a highly skilled, well-educated workforce. Mexico’s USD1.3 trillion economy is the second-largest in Latin America

International tax lawyer

The Legal and Tax Effects of Doing Business Internationally

When I am speaking with international companies looking to do business in a foreign country (which sometimes means the United States), I like to start with their business plan. Most companies develop their business plans long before they decide to check with their lawyer to see where they might run into issues. They understand their

Brazil’s “GDPR”

How to Get Ready for Brazil’s “GDPR”

On August 1, 2021, articles 52 through 54 of Brazil’s General Data Protection Law (Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados or LGPD) will come into force. For businesses that deal with data obtained in Brazil, time is running out to prepare for the LGPD, which is Brazil’s version of the GDPR, the European Union’s General

International company banking in the United States

International Company Banking in the United States

International companies often ask our FDI lawyers in the United States about United States banking for foreign companies. It can be difficult and confusing for an international company to determine the best way to engage in banking in the U.S. We know that because it is even confusing for certain types of U.S. companies to

Bankruptcy Phoenix

The Bankruptcy Market in Phoenix and the Importance of Values

Things have been eerily quiet in the Phoenix bankruptcy market since the end of the Great Recession. In the past, the economy seemed to run in cycles of 6 to 7 years of prosperity, followed by a downturn. Though the Great Recession officially ended in 2009, the effects were felt for at least a few