canna law blog

Cómo navegar por los arrendamientos de cannabis en California en 2019

Hemos escrito anteriormente sobre algunos de los escollos que los propietarios deben evitar al alquilar a inquilinos comerciales de cannabis en California. También hemos discutido recientemente algunas cuestiones relevantes para los propietarios creados por las regulaciones casi finales del estado. Y también hemos visto algunas de las mayores incertidumbres que quedan después de que el estado emitió esas regulaciones. Ahora que

canna law blog

Will Oregon Finally Protect Off-Work Marijuana Use in 2019?

It’s 2019 and Oregon employees can still be terminated for off-work marijuana use. That includes not just recreational use, but off-work medical use by registered cardholders in the Oregon Health Authority system– even patients with debilitating medical conditions like cancer or epilepsy. This means that Oregon, which has been on the forefront of decriminalization and

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Hemp-CBD and FDA: Labeling Dietary Supplements

There is no doubt that the enactment of the 2018 Farm Bill, which legalized industrial hemp by removing the crop from the Controlled Substance Act’s definition of “marijuana,” will lead to increased sales and growing opportunities for hemp-derived cannabidiol (“Hemp-CBD”) companies in the new year. In fact, we have already seen an uptick in new and

canna law blog

2019 Will Be a Banner Year for Cannabis Mergers and Acquisitions

We handle a lot of cannabis M & A in our Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle and Portland offices. Over the years, it’s become pretty clear that in robustly regulated cannabis states, the secondary market for buying and selling businesses really peaks (after initial legalization) as local and state governments finally begin to settle their

canna law blog

2018 fue un año enorme para el cannabis

Nos lo pasamos en grande celebrando en este blog todas las grandes victorias del cannabis el año pasado. Echando la vista atrás, ha sido un año monumental para la reforma del cannabis, tanto en Estados Unidos como a nivel internacional. En este momento, parece que no existe un escenario realista en el que la prohibición se imponga: La legalización federal

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Tax Court Deals Another Blow to Cannabis Management Company Model

On December 20th, U.S. Tax Court issued its opinion in Alternative Health Care Advocates et al. v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue. The long opinion details various issues related to the specific case, but we will concentrate on one relatively small piece of it. How would the Tax Court treat income paid from a marijuana retailer

canna law blog

Oregon Cannabis: State of the State

Here we are at the end of 2018, which means it’s time for the third annual “State of the State” post on Oregon cannabis (the 2017 post is here and the 2016 post is here). The year 2018 was truly remarkable in the Oregon industry, and we saw a lot of change, from regulatory evolution

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Breaking News: FDA Issues Statements on CBD and Industrial Hemp (and What it Means for California)

Yesterday, President Trump signed the 2018 Farm Bill, paving the way for industrial hemp legalization. Within hours, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) Commissioner, Scott Gottlieb, issued a statement clarifying the FDA’s position on industrial hemp. The FDA’s position: Just because industrial hemp is legal doesn’t mean that you can put it in food

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BREAKING NEWS: Farm Bill Signed, Industrial Hemp is Now Legal

Today the US takes a major step forward in cannabis reform! The 2018 Farm Bill legalizes industrial hemp, and was just signed into law by President Trump. Industrial hemp will now be treated like an agricultural commodity, not a controlled substance. Our in-depth look at the hemp provisions in this new Farm Bill is available