canna law blog

Cannabis estadounidense y comercio internacional: ¿nunca se verán las caras?

Recientemente, hemos estado recibiendo toneladas de preguntas de clientes con respecto a la importación y exportación internacional de marihuana en todo el mundo. 2018 fue un año histórico para la industria del cannabis no solo en los Estados Unidos, sino también a nivel internacional. Canadá legalizó la marihuana recreativa para todo el país. Muchos países (por ejemplo, Tailandia, Nueva Zelanda, México, Lituania, Reino Unido) tomaron

canna law blog

Federal Court Dismisses RICO Suit Against Sonoma County Cannabis Cultivator

For a while, criminal conspiracy lawsuits against cannabis operations looked like a potentially promising strategy for cannabis prohibitionists to try and use litigation to reverse the trend of legalization. The idea is to use the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (“RICO”), a federal statute intended to combat organized crime–and which allows private rights of

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The FDA’s Stance on Hemp-Derived CBD as a Dietary Supplement

Since the 2014 Farm Bill passed, products containing cannabidiol (“CBD”) derived from hemp (“Hemp-CBD”) have become widely popular and available in a wide range of stores and online. The Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) has, for the most part, sat on the sidelines. The FDA has occasionally sent out warning letters to Hemp-CBD distributors who

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MLK Day 2019: Marijuana and Civil Rights

Happy MLK Day! For our international readers, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is a federal U.S. holiday marking the birthday of its eponymous civil rights hero. Dr. King was the chief spokesperson for nonviolent activism in the Civil Rights Movement, which successfully protested racial discrimination in federal and state law. Dr. King was assassinated in

canna law blog

Industrial Hemp and the Banks: Slow Going

We have spilled a lot of ink on this blog related to the 2018 Farm Bill, which legalized hemp at the federal level. It’s huge news. And there are so many ramifications, from food law to trademarks to the financial services environment. This blog post is going to cover financial institutions and hemp at about

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FDA Enforcement Against Hemp-CBD Products Has Begun

On January 3rd, according to the owner of a smoke shop in Yuma, Arizona, officials from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) seized a variety of CBD products from the store’s shelves. The officials took fewer than fifty items and told the owner to anticipate follow-up paperwork within seven to ten business days. According to

canna law blog

The Hemp Standard is 0.3% THC. That Should Be Changed.

We are heading into the first decade of scaled commercial hemp production in the United States since the 1920s. As a law firm that has been helping cannabis businesses succeed since 2010, we couldn’t be more excited. And for good reason: the recreational market is expanding. Hemp is legal. CBD and other cannabinoids are fast becoming (if not already) household names. The international market is

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Oregon Taking a Hard Look at Interstate Marijuana Sales

Once again, Oregon is working on becoming a marijuana maverick. The Beaver State is on the verge of introducing a bill that would allow marijuana exports to other states by 2021. In an attempt to tackle the oversupply crisis that has plagued Oregon the last few years, the Craft Cannabis Alliance, an Oregon-based membership association

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California Cannabis Red Tape Alert: New BCC “Change of Ownership” Rules

Our California cannabis lawyers are seeing a major spike in mergers and acquisitions (M & A), and it’s time to discuss what’s on the horizon for changes of ownership for some California cannabis businesses. In every cannabis state, M & A is no breeze because the regulators almost always require pre-approval of the transaction or