foreign company due diligence

Due Diligence on Foreign Transactions

Due diligence is an investigation of a business or person prior to entering a contract. It often involves a comprehensive appraisal to establish assets and liabilities or to evaluate commercial potential. Though due diligence is important anywhere, it is especially important when dealing with companies in countries where things are often not what they seem and where the legal system is less than ideal.

China Sinosure how to fight back

China Sinosure as Existential Threat

In this post, we explain what Sinosure is, how Sinosure works, what causes Sinosure to put foreign companies in its crosshairs, why Sinosure is so dangerous, and, how to fight back and win against it.

Bad Manufacturing Contracts Lead to Bad Products

Bad Contracts Lead to Bad Products

Bad manufacturing contracts lead to bad products. Nearly all companies that have product problems would have avoided those problems had they used a good contract or done their due diligence on their product supplier before paying. In this post, we explain how best to avoid these common mistakes.

China trademark registration

China Color Trademarks: The 101

China's trademark office permits for the trademark registration of colors. However, though you can register a China trademark for a color combination, single color trademarks are not allowed. It is also required for China trademark registration that your color combination be distinctive. It is also important that you remember that China is a "fist to file" trademark country so if you want to register your color combination as a China trademark you must be sure to seek that registration first, before anyone else does.