China visas

Navigating U.S. Visa Challenges for Chinese Nationals: Tips & Insights

One of our clients recently asked for our help “making sure” it could get a U.S. visa for one of its China-based Chinese managers. The client wanted this manager to come to the United States for two months of training. Our client had heard from a friend in a similar situation that it was “getting

China employee non-compete

China’s “Living Wage”

Just read a CNN article, When will workers share in Apple’s wealth? This article was written by Scott Nova, executive director of the Worker Rights Consortium, a “labor rights-monitoring organization that investigates working conditions in factories around the world.” Nova attacks Apple on many fronts in his article, but it is the following that really

Learning Chinese for business

The Pros and Cons of Learning Chinese for Business

The following is a guest post by Jonathan Poston. Though learning Chinese is obviously helpful for doing business in or with China, actually accomplishing this can be so difficult that many give up or just ponder whether it is worth it. I asked Jonathan to write a post on the pros and cons of learning

Chinese students at American colleges

Chinese Students in America: It’s Bad Out There

Much has been written about Chinese students coming to American colleges. An article out today, Chinese applications to U.S. schools skyrocket, [link no longer exists] quotes a Chinese high schooler contemplating attending the University of Washington: I know this [ambition] is pretty high,” said the 17-year old Beijing native.  “But I think I can give

China football

China Sucks at Soccer: What Does That Tell Us?

I can understand a great deal about a country by going into a few of its grocery stores and by watching five basketball games with its best players. I have a friend who is a dancer and she says she can understand a country by watching its people dance. I know basketball and I know

New York City construction lawyers

China’s Real Estate Crash: A Hard Rain is Gonna Fall

There are two types of real estate investors in China. The first are pure speculators who treat residential real estate as a source of value, far removed from its original residential use. These investors purchase multiple properties without bothering even to remodel their units for actual use. They are responsible for the empty condo buildings

china law blog

Genuine Apple Product from China: Good Luck with That

Just got my third email this week from someone who bought tens of thousands of dollars worth of “iPhones” from someone in China, only to receive fakes. All three emailers were so blinded by the idea of buying iPhones at ridiculously low prices that they did nothing to make sure the sellers were legitimate, which

China Brothel Scam

The China Brothel Scam: Don’t Let This Happen To You

It happened again last week. Multiple calls from the same person, wanting to speak with me urgently, yet refusing to provide any information to our receptionist on the nature of his issue. I eventually called this person back and here is pretty much what we discussed, which varied little from what I have heard from

China law -- get a china lawyer. Same with Mexico

Why is China Cheaper? Truths and Myths

Got an email from an attorney/client/friend yesterday with a link to an IndustryWeek Article (Why Is China Cheaper?) and a note saying that I needed to give this “CLB’s dumbest article of the month award.” We do not actually have such an award (should we?) so for that reason alone, it is not in contention.

US Corporate Transparency Act (CTA)?

Foreign Company Ethical Issues in China

David Wofl at Silicon Hutong just did a post on ethical issues in China, Business Ethics and Culture Clashes in China and I love it for three reasons. First, it is very well written. Second, it imparts useful advice. Third, it says many of the things we repeatedly preach on this blog. In fact, replace