China employee discipline
China Law Blog

China Employee Discipline: Your Rules and Regulations are the Starting Point

China-Specific Employee Rules and Regulations are Key A strong foundation in employee relations protects both your business and your workforce. It minimizes misunderstandings, reduces legal risks, and promotes trust and loyalty among your employees. This, in turn, leads to a more engaged and productive work environment. One key element of compliant employee relations is having

China foreign due diligence
China Law Blog

China Legal Compliance Basics

Legal Compliance for Your China Operations The Chinese market still offers vast potential for many businesses, but navigating its legal environment requires ongoing attention. As Chinese regulations and economic conditions shift, foreign companies benefit from prioritizing legal compliance. Compliance with Chinese law goes beyond simply avoiding penalties. It demonstrates your company’s commitment to responsible business

China company formation lawyers
China Law Blog

China Representative Offices: Think Before You Leap

China Representative Offices With so many companies becoming reluctant to go “all in on China,” our China lawyers are seeing an increase in companies looking to just “dip their toe” into China via a Representative Office. Unfortunately, there are inherent limitations on China Rep Offices, and those limitations mean they seldom make sense for most

China's economy and your business
China Law Blog

China’s Declining Economy and the Implications for YOUR Business

China’s Economic Downturn and the Implications for YOUR Business As economic uncertainty roils China, foreign companies operating in or with China face increasing risks. From capital controls to supply chain disruptions to Chinese companies turning against their foreign company partners, businesses worldwide must navigate a more precarious China environment. This article very examines the current

China compliance checklist
China Law Blog

A China Legal Compliance Checklist

Key Legal Considerations for Doing Business in China Foreign companies doing business in or even with China face a complex legal landscape. Navigating these regulations can be challenging, but it is crucial for ensuring compliance and avoiding legal trouble. This blog post provides an overview of key legal considerations for foreign companies operating in or

International due diligence checklist
China Law Blog

Navigating China’s Evolving Legal Landscape: A 10-Point Checklist for Foreign Businesses

A China Legal Checklist for Foreign Businesses This post examines ten key legal areas that often present hurdles for foreign companies in China. Most importantly, it provides basic and concrete recommendations on how to deal with China’s legal landscape and avoid costly missteps. Mastering compliance across the following ten critical domains is essential for foreign

International IP lawyer
China Law Blog

The IP Risks of Chinese Third Party Hiring Agencies

Rethinking China Operations: Third-Party Hiring Agencies As foreign companies reduce their China operations to minimize risk, they often turn to third-party hiring agencies to staff projects without a local entity. But relying on these dispatch firms creates a major vulnerability: loss of valuable IP if specific protections aren’t in place. This post delves into how

China employment law
China Law Blog

China Employment Documents: The 101

China Employment Documents Let’s face it, navigating China’s employment laws and regulations is challenging. From stringent contract requirements to unusual policies on probation periods, vacation time and more, understanding and adhering to China’s local employment practices is pivotal yet complex. This article provides foreign employers an in-depth guide on effectively creating employment documentation in China.

China's rules on mass layoffs are complicated, localized, and unclear.
China Law Blog

China’s Mass Layoff Laws in These Tough Times

China’s Mass Layoff Laws As China’s economy continues to worsen, and as so many foreign companies seek to “lighten their China footprint” or to leave China entirely, my law firm’s China employment lawyers are being hit with a big uptick in questions regarding China employee layoffs. China’s mass layoff laws are strict and protective of

Moving your manufacturing from China to Mexico
China Law Blog

How to Use Mexico Shelter Manufacturing to Replace Your China Manufacturing

Manufacturing in Mexico vs China A growing number of companies manufacturing in China are looking to move their manufacturing out of China entirely or to reduce their footprint there by adding manufacturing elsewhere. The choice of manufacturing location can profoundly impact cost-effectiveness, logistical efficiency, and overall competitiveness. This post focuses on the transition from manufacturing