Spain foreign direct investment (FDI)

Spain Foreign Direct Investment

Spain foreign direct investment (FDI) just became a bit more complicated. By means of a series of emergency decrees the legislature significantly limited the original principle of liberal investment politics in Spain just before summer. Recently, new restrictions entered into force. In Royal Decree-Law 34/2020, of 17 November, effective 19 November, the Spanish government yet

A Legal Checklist for Global E-Commerce Sites

Legal issues involved in selling products worldwide via the internet What are the legal issues involved in selling product worldwide over the internet? The following questions make up an initial checklist for companies looking to sell their products internationally over the internet. 1. What type of legal entity(ies) are you going to want? Where will

H BVisas

H-1B Visas for Specialty Occupations

Back to Basics: What Is an H-1B Visa? H-1B visas are for workers in specialty occupations. An H-1B worker is defined by the Immigration and Nationality Act as a beneficiary who: (i) is temporarily coming to the United States (ii) to perform services in a specialty occupation; (iii) is of distinguished merit and ability; and (iv)

Harris Sliwoski Attorneys Secure Lifting of Forced Labor Order

Harris Sliwoski Attorneys Secure Lifting of Forced Labor Order

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) recently revoked a withhold release order (WRO) issued against one of our clients. The WRO was imposed by CBP after it received an allegation falsely claiming our client was using forced labor. Our attorneys Rodrigo Guedes Nunes (who leads our Brazil office) and Fred Rocafort were able to convincingly

Spain Golden Visas

Spain Golden Visas

1. Spain’s Golden Visa It is a great time to move to Spain. Spain has a competitive business environment, excellent infrastructure, and fantastic international schools. The dollar is rising against the Euro and Spain is a major recipient of investment worldwide. Real estate prices are still attractive and Spain offers immeasurable lifestyle benefits. If you

Money Laundering Prevention Undermines Spanish Corporate Law

Money Laundering Prevention Undermines Spanish Corporate Law

If you consider putting down roots in Spain, either by opening your own local business or entering into contracts for which you need a Spanish tax ID or bank account, you will also need to deal with extremely strict anti-money laundering rules. Most of our foreign clients are not aware of the transparency that is

Spain: U.S. Export Hotbed

Spain: U.S. Export Hotbed

It is surprising to those of us who have spent meaningful time in the country, but Spain is often overlooked as a business destination. Part of that has to do with the country’s ongoing problem with unemployment, which clouds outsider perceptions. Recent turmoil in Catalonia has not helped, with the optics at times making Barcelona seem like a

The US Border After Canada Legalized Cannabis

The US Border After Canada Legalized Cannabis

Canada’s cannabis legalization creates yet another wrinkle in the relations between the U.S. and its northern neighbor. U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland harbors a more progressive stance towards cannabis compared to his predecessor, Jeffrey Sessions, but the U.S. federal stance on cannabis remains unchanged under the Controlled Substances Act. What does this mean for Canadians who