Griffen Thorne

Griffen is an attorney in Harris Sliwoski’s Los Angeles office, where he focuses his practice on corporate, transactional, intellectual property, data security, regulatory, and litigation matters across a wide variety of domestic and international industries.

United States litigation

What Foreign Businesses Should Know About U.S. Lawsuits

United States Law Suits I have represented countless foreign entrepreneurs and businesses evaluating or negotiating a potential business relationship in the United States. One of the toughest things I have to do is explain why the U.S. legal system is so different from what these clients are used to in Europe, Asia, or elsewhere. Business

schedule III

BREAKING NEWS: The FTC Bans Employee Noncompete Agreements

On April 23, 2023, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced a final rule banning noncompete agreements under sections 5 and 6(g) of the FTC Act. The ban applies to noncompetes in the employment context and does not necessarily apply to business-to-business noncompete agreements. This banning of non-compete agreements has left many employers wondering what this

series LLC

What is a Series LLC?

Series LLCs Series LLCs are a relatively new type of entity that more and more states are embracing. Still, many experienced businesspeople are unfamiliar with series LLCs. Below, I break down the concept of a series LLC, their benefits, and some potential issues. What Is a Series LLC? To understand what a series LLC is,

Are Crypto Airdrops Legal?

Over the last few years, airdrops have become much more common in the crypto space. Airdrops are often used to market or promote a crypto startup or platform. But like with so many other things in the space, their legal status remains murky. In this post, I do a deep dive on the legality of

A person engaged in regulated industries holding a tablet.

Top Five Concerns When Buying a Regulated Business

Over the years, our corporate attorneys have developed a niche in a host of regulated and soon-to-be-regulated industries across the globe — everything from healthcare, to cannabis, to banking and finance, to securities regulation for Web3 and other companies. And a huge part of that practice has been in mergers and acquisitions (M&A), or the

International contract lawyer

The Importance of Choice of Law Provisions in Sales Contracts

Choice-of-Law Provisions in Contracts Few contract provisions are as important and yet often overlooked as the choice-of-law provision. This provision determines which jurisdiction’s legal framework will govern the contract and shapes how disputes will be resolved and how legal rights will be interpreted. It is essentially the legal compass guiding the contractual relationship. Making the

Regulation A

What is a Regulation A Securities Offering?

Our firm’s lawyers routinely assist U.S. and non-U.S. companies in raising capital in the United States. One of the most critical ways international and U.S. companies raise funds in the U.S. is by issuing stock or other securities. Securities offerings, however, are highly regulated — at both the state and federal levels. U.S. law requires

Top Five E-commerce mistakes

Top 5 E-Commerce Mistakes, and How to Avoid Them

E-commerce businesses are easy targets for lawsuits. Unlike traditional brick-and-mortar businesses, everything e-commerce businesses do is online for billions of people to see with the click of a button. So, the massive uptick in e-commerce litigation in recent years should not surprise anybody. Despite these increased risks for e-commerce businesses, many make massive mistakes in

M&A Closing Conditions

M&A Closing Conditions

Our corporate attorneys have represented countless companies, buyers, and sellers in M&A transactions, and one of the most common questions we get is “what are M&A closing conditions?” An M&A closing condition is a thing that a party says must happen for the transaction to close. All deals with closings have at least a few