China lawyers

China Foreign Lawyer Ethics Rules

The ABA Journal just came out with a story on foreign law firms in China, titled, Chinese Puzzle: Foreign firms jumping into the market find ethics rules unclear. The article notes how foreign lawyers “are not permitted to practice law in China.” Thus, “when a deal is completed and a formal legal document is necessary,

Doing business in China and with China


We will be discussing the practical aspects of Chinese law and how it impacts business there. We will be telling you about what works and what does not and what you as a businessperson can do to use the law to your advantage. Our aim is to assist businesses already in China or planning to go into China, not to break new ground in legal theory or policy. We want to start a conversation with, for and about the person who wants to know "what is what" in China and the practical aspects of starting and growing a business in or involved with China.