China Brothel Scam

The China Brothel Scam: Don’t Let This Happen To You

It happened again last week. Multiple calls from the same person, wanting to speak with me urgently, yet refusing to provide any information to our receptionist on the nature of his issue. I eventually called this person back and here is pretty much what we discussed, which varied little from what I have heard from

China law -- get a china lawyer. Same with Mexico

Why is China Cheaper? Truths and Myths

Got an email from an attorney/client/friend yesterday with a link to an IndustryWeek Article (Why Is China Cheaper?) and a note saying that I needed to give this “CLB’s dumbest article of the month award.” We do not actually have such an award (should we?) so for that reason alone, it is not in contention.

US Corporate Transparency Act (CTA)?

Foreign Company Ethical Issues in China

David Wofl at Silicon Hutong just did a post on ethical issues in China, Business Ethics and Culture Clashes in China and I love it for three reasons. First, it is very well written. Second, it imparts useful advice. Third, it says many of the things we repeatedly preach on this blog. In fact, replace

China Reverse Mergers

China Reverse Mergers: Good Luck with That

The big story in the China business/legal community this week is the back and forth between Muddy Waters and Sino-Forest (see here).I will reserve my comments on the specific situation until things develop further, but I will add my two-cents about something called a “Reverse Merger” or “RTO,” the corporate structure at the center of

Best books on China

The Best Books on China

About a week ago, I did an article, The Five+ Best Books for Understanding China  [link no longer exists]. The article was a public response to a  request that I reveal “3-5 good books to read to understand China that are contemporary, but also something providing some historical perspective to current doings.” I listed the

eating dog in China

Eating Dogs in China

Earlier this year, I was on a slow highway on the outskirts of Hanoi when my daughters said something like “look at those dogs being prepared for eating. Eewww.” Without looking, (and thinking they were referring to live dogs in cages) I tried to put the best spin on things for my 13-year old by

China ready International lawyers

Publicly Traded Chinese Companies are Risky as Hell

Muddy Waters is a hedge fund company that targets dodgy US-listed Chinese companies, shorts them, and then documents the fraud in which those Chinese companies engage. Muddy Waters has an impressive list of Chinese companies it has exposed, including China Media Express, Duoyuan Water and RINO International. These companies appear to have two things in

100 chinese yuan bill

China as Currency Manipulator: Why Can’t We All Just Get Along?

I just read an article by Shaun Rein, entitled, “Why A Fast Appreciating Yuan Won’t Help US Economy,” and I have bones to pick with it. Let me start out by saying that I “talk China” pretty much every day and I have never spoken with anyone who believes all of the United States’ economic

Sexism in China

How China Sexism Benefits Foreign Companies

Had an interesting discussion the other day with two international entrepreneur clients on global prejudices. Both told me of how they “take advantage” of it by hiring women, racial and ethnic minorities, and persons with disabilities in countries where other businesses are reluctant to hire these people. And let’s face it, these prejudices exist, at