canna law blog


昨天,我在本周的《经济学家》杂志上看到了一篇题为《走向大麻》(*sigh*)的文章。这篇文章的前提是 "全球对大麻的态度正在发生一场革命",它解释了世界许多地区的国家如何开始进行不同程度的大麻改革。其中包括

canna law blog

Young Living vs. doTERRA: Utah MLM Companies and the CBD Race

Utah is a unique state for a variety of reasons, but recently it gained additional notoriety because the “world leader in essential oils” (based on global revenue), Young Living Essential Oils, announced it acquired Colorado-based Nature’s Ultra. Nature’s Ultra owns more than 1,500 acres of hemp farms in Colorado and produces “natural, organic, vegan approved,

canna law blog

Cannabis and International Trade: Don’t Ignore the U.S.-China Trade War

Marijuana and hemp companies should not ignore the US-China trade war. Numerous products and components in these industries might be subject to increased tariffs of 25 percent. If cannabis companies can’t find new suppliers, those are costs that they will have to bear, or will have to pass on to their consumers. The Office of

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Take Your Hemp or CBD Company Public on the TSX

Banking, intellectual property, food and beverage (and cosmetics), international trade, domestic trade, state laws, ag production contracts, etc., etc. When it comes to industrial hemp, the 2018 Farm Bill upended all of these things. Our cannabis business lawyers have been busy advising a large number of new hemp and hemp-CBD businesses getting in on the

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Cannabis and Immigration: Marijuana Activity a Conditional Bar to Obtaining U.S. Citizenship

On April 19, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced that it would formally update its Policy Manual regarding how cannabis-related activity–even when it took place in states that have legalized the medical and recreational use of marijuana–would impact naturalization. The Policy Manual is self-defined by the USCIS as its centralized online repository for

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1 月 28 日星期四,我们将举办一个小时的免费网络研讨会,讨论墨西哥医疗和娱乐大麻的商业问题。立即注册! 我们致力于及时了解国际大麻新闻,随着大麻合法化在国际上成为现实,我们在西班牙和中国的律师自然会看到更多这方面的信息。

canna law blog

Did the 2018 Farm Bill Open the Door to Importing Hemp?

We get a ton of questions about whether it’s legal to import hemp into the U.S. It’s a complicated question without a clear answer. We do know that the Drug Enforcement Administration has confirmed that the importation of cannabis plant material that falls outside of the Controlled Substance Act’s definition of “marihuana” (e.g., the mature

canna law blog

Exporting CBD Food Just Got Harder: The European Union Makes a Move

We’ve been writing a lot on this blog about the regulation and sale of cannabidiol (“CBD”) products at the state and federal levels. The United States is not the only international actor, however, that is concerned with regulating the sale of CBD products, including CBD-infused foods. The European Food Safety Authority (“EFSA”), the European equivalent of

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The World Health Organization Steps Up on Cannabis

On February 1, it was reported that the World Health Organization (WHO) made some significant and long overdue recommendations with respect to cannabis. Those recommendations have not been formally released, but we expect that to happen soon. If adopted wholesale by the United Nations (UN), the recommendations will have a significant impact globally as to

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The California Bureau of Cannabis Control’s Final Regulations Immigration Impact on Foreign “Owners”

On January 16, 2019, each of the three California cannabis agencies dropped a final set of regulations. In many senses, the Bureau of Cannabis Control’s (“BCC”) regulations were the most comprehensive and expansive (we summarized some of the highlights here, and summarized the highlights of the California Department of Public Health’s final regulations here). In