canna law blog

They Said It On Marijuana, Quotable Saturday, Part CXVI

We are fine with this attitude from scientists. In fact, this should be the attitude from scientists. Their job is to look at the science as objectively as possible. Conversely, it’s the job of our government to encourage scientific enquiry, not block it for fear of what its results might be. Do you agree?

canna law blog

They Said It On Marijuana, Quotable Saturday, Part CXIV

Sir Richard Branson makes a great point. What is truly criminal is imprisoning young and marginalized people for possessing something safe, non-violent and effective as medicine. We have written time and again about the utterly useless drug war, which has led to stigmatizing cannabis and which was based on prejudice right out of the gate.   The time

canna law blog

They Said It On Marijuana, Quotable Saturday, Part CXIII

In his defense, Dr. Frist made this statement in 2003, but there was already substantial evidence at that time that marijuana could be used medicinally for a variety of conditions. This type of thinking persists to this day, even though (as we previously wrote) the body of research affirming that marijuana is medicinally effective continues to

canna law blog

They Said It On Marijuana, Quotable Saturday, Part CXII

As Canada Prime Minister Trudeau points out, the prohibition of marijuana has not only prohibited its use, it has also prohibited research, regulation, and education. As we wrote a couple weekends ago, the decades of marijuana prohibition in the United States has hindered the progress of research and has withheld cannabis from people whose health could

canna law blog

They Said It On Marijuana, Quotable Saturday, Part CX

It is beyond unfortunate that the government-perpetrated War on Drugs has hindered the progress necessary for medical marijuana to be used by people that could truly benefit from it. Thus far, medical marijuana has been utilized by many to treat a vast array of health conditions such as cancer, seizure disorders, chronic pain, and digestive

canna law blog

State of Cannabis: North Dakota is Cold on Cannabis

This is proving to be a big year for cannabis. As a result, we are ranking the fifty states from worst to best on how they treat cannabis and those who consume it. Each of our State of Cannabis posts will analyze one state and our final post will crown the best state for cannabis. As is

canna law blog

They Said It On Marijuana, Quotable Saturday, Part CVIII

Though we vociferously maintain that cannabis should be legalized for all purposes, author Steven Gould makes an important point here: medical marijuana is still kept from those that could significantly benefit from it and that is often done because people oppose its recreational use. Many families have had to move to another state simply because one

canna law blog

State of Cannabis: Missouri “Shows” Progress With Marijuana Laws

With all of the state legal marijuana ballot initiatives out there, 2016 is going to be a big year for cannabis. As a result, we are ranking the fifty states from worst to best on how they treat cannabis and those who consume it. Each of our State of Cannabis posts will analyze one state

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They Said It On Marijuana, Quotable Saturday, Part CIV

  With the recent release of a statement by John Ehrlichman about the true targets of Nixon’s War on Drugs, Koch’s assertion has never been more clear. As Ehrlichman said, “We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black [people], but by getting the public to associate the hippies with

canna law blog

They Said It On Marijuana, Quotable Saturday, Part CII

Is cannabis addictive? Are video games addictive? Is Diet Coke addictive? Is chocolate addictive? What about coffee? Some would answer yes to all of these, and to a certain extent they would be right. Some would answer no to all of these, and they too would be right. Is heroin addictive? Yes. Alcohol? Yes, to