china law blog

Your China Factory is Your Toughest Competitor

Chinese factories are notorious for making their own-label products that bear a strong resemblance to the products they make for their foreign company manufacturing companies. And here's the thing: it is perfectly legal for your Chinese factory to copy your products unless you have a contract forbidding it. And it is also perfectly legal for them to use your brand name in China (or even to register it as their own trademark) if you have not registered your brand name as a China trademark. 

China Lawyers

Lost Your IP to China? First, Let’s Sue All the Lawyers

China’s Ever-Worsening IP Landscape China sees the decoupling/de-risking writing on the wall, and it is redoubling its efforts to steal IP now, before the door on its ability to do so closes. China assistance to Russia in its war against Ukraine is the latest thing to accelerate the closing of that door. If (or as

How to protect your IP from China with China IP lawyers

How to Destroy Your Own Company by Inadvertently Gifting Your IP to China

Years ago, I spoke at a major technology event on how to protect IP from China. I rarely use notes when I give a speech, which and I often riff on various things. At some point during that speech, I mentioned how technology companies tended to get into more trouble when it comes to China

China Trademark Protection

China Trademark Protection Basics

My good friend and trademark lawyer extraordinaire, Mike Atkins, recently wrote Basics of Trademark Protection in Plain English on U.S. trademarks. Below I take what Mike said, and explain how it applies to China or not. Mike’s portion is in regular font and my portion is in italics. A. Trademark Enforcement Principles The main way

China Counterfeit Lawyers

Copyright Takedowns in China

Copyright takedowns in China and copyright notices. What you can and should do now to be able to use a copyright takedown to protect your copyrights in China.

China licensing agreement

China Licensing Agreements: The Extreme Basics

Licensing your technology to a company in China Licensing your technology to another company is fraught with risks. Licensing your technology to a company in China has its own additional challenges. The first thing you should do before licensing your technology to a Chinese company is to make sure you may legally do so under

Is it the shoes?

Don’t Be Like Mike: Register Your Trademarks in CHINESE

Michael Jordan just lost another China lawsuit in his ongoing effort to combat alleged trademark infringement in China. This lose highlights a point that must be familiar to even the most casual reader of this blog: Michael Jordan just lost another China lawsuit in his ongoing effort to combat alleged trademark infringement. This case, like

China and Motion Picture Copyright

China Motion Picture Copyrights

China joined WIPO (the World Intellectual Property Organization) in 1980 and it introduced its first copyright law in 1990. China adopted modern intellectual property laws as a condition of joining the WTO (the World Trade Organization) in 2001. 2001 China intellectual property laws amendments The 2001 amendments were the first round of modernization of China’s

China Consultant

China Consultant or All Knowing China Expert

China’s recently stepped up efforts to root out unregistered foreign businesses in China has caused a rash of China consultants to retain the China lawyers at my law firm. From our work in forming China WFOEs (wholly foreign owned entities) for these consultants, we have discovered that many China consultants are falling dangerously short in