China law -- get a china lawyer. Same with Mexico

Why is China Cheaper? Truths and Myths

Got an email from an attorney/client/friend yesterday with a link to an IndustryWeek Article (Why Is China Cheaper?) and a note saying that I needed to give this “CLB’s dumbest article of the month award.” We do not actually have such an award (should we?) so for that reason alone, it is not in contention.

How to License Your IP

China Licensing Agreements: The Key Provisions

The International Business Law Advisor Blog did a post, entitled, 6 Key Provisions You Should Include in Your International Licensing Agreements. I borrow extensively from that post for this one, but tailor it more towards China. I list out IBLAB’s tips in bold and then provide its explanation in normal font. My comments in italics

China trademark registration

China Trademarks — Do You Feel Lucky? Do You?

Our advice to companies that do any business with China (including those that merely have their products made in China) is to register their trademarks in China before they go there. China is a first to register country, which means that whoever registers a trademark first gets it. I repeat: in China, whoever registers a

China NNN Agreements

The Power of China-Specific NNN Agreements

NNN Agreements vs. NDA Agreements for China Western-style non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) don’t work for protecting your IP from China. China-specific non-disclosure, non-compete, non-circumvent (NNN) agreements are vastly superior for safeguarding your IP. This post will explain what makes China-specific NNN agreements work so well at protecting IP and when to use them. Someone on our