China manufacturing lawyers

Your Company and China: Should You Divest, Decouple, or Double-Down?

Economist Magazine just came out with an article discussing what companies involved in China are doing these days with China, what they are thinking of doing in the future with China, and what they should do in the future with China. The article is entitled, Multinational firms are finding it hard to let go of

abraham lincoln

International Product Sourcing Consultants and the Legal Risks They Face

Our international manufacturing lawyers work with many experienced and really good international product sourcing consultants. These consultants are usually really good for the following reasons: They know the ins and outs of what it takes to succeed in buying products from foreign countries. They know the ins and outs of how to find good companies

football players

China’s Latin American Ground Game and YOUR Business

China is responding to its ongoing tension with the US and EU in some surprising ways – including setting up manufacturing and distribution hubs in Mexico and increasing its involvement in Latin America. What does this have to do with your business? More than you think.

China manufacturing rules

China Factory Joint Ventures

Joint ventures with China factories are seldom a good idea.The better way to handle these relationships is usually with a China-centric distribution agreement that sets forth sales goals and allows you to walk away if your Chinese factory does not meet those goals. It usually makes sense to have a trademark licensing agreement with your distributor as well.

shipping imports

U.S. Import Practice Tips to Mitigate Compliance Risk

The shift away from the unipolar and free trade-oriented world of the 1990s and early 2000s to the peer competition-driven managed trade and industrial policies of today has resulted in an increasingly restrictive and protected U.S. import environment. The significantly stepped-up enforcement activity that characterizes this trend has, in turn, increased compliance risk for U.S. importers. This post will attempt to help U.S. importers mitigate some of that compliance risk through a set of up-to-date import practice tips.