register your China trademark with China Customs

Stop China Counterfeits By Registering Your China IP with China Customs

Have a China Brand Protection Strategy The essential first step in most China IP strategies is to register your trademarks with China’s Trademark Office. Because China is a first-to-file country, until you register a trademark in China you have no rights in that trademark. But a trademark registration alone will not limit the spread of

Demand Letters to Chinese companies

Using Cease-and-Desist Letters to fight China IP Violations

Fighting China IP Infringement: The Power of Cease-and-Desist Letters With IP infringement in China rising amid geopolitical tensions and China’s sinking economy, many companies are scrambling to protect their intellectual property. But legal action can be slow and expensive. Well-crafted cease-and-desist letters can often provide a faster, more affordable recourse. My law firm’s international IP

China trademark registration lawyer

Your China Trademarks: Done Right or on the Cheap?

A China Trademark is a Terrible Thing to Waste I often get emails from people asking what my law firm charges for registering trademarks in China and I always respond by quoting our rate for a trademark analysis and stating that we will not “just” register their trademark in the category they tell us. If

global trademark lawyers

The Power of International Trademark Protection

The Importance of International Trademark Protection With the increasing internationalization of business and heightening geopolitical tensions, protecting your brand’s identity internationally is more important than ever. Yet many companies still fail to recognize that they need an international trademark strategy. This post outlines why neglecting global trademarks poses risks and explains how to mitigate those

Moving your manufacturing from China to Mexico

How to Use Mexico Shelter Manufacturing to Replace Your China Manufacturing

Manufacturing in Mexico vs China A growing number of companies manufacturing in China are looking to move their manufacturing out of China entirely or to reduce their footprint there by adding manufacturing elsewhere. The choice of manufacturing location can profoundly impact cost-effectiveness, logistical efficiency, and overall competitiveness. This post focuses on the transition from manufacturing

China cybersecurity lawyer

The Chinese Government Has Your Data And There’s Not Much You Can Do

China’s Data Security Landscape This post addresses the options foreign companies have for operating in China and protecting their critical data. The assumption is usually that there must be a technical solution that allows foreign companies to protect their private technical data in China. The problem is technical, so there must be a technical solution.

China manufacturing contracts

The New World of International Manufacturing Contracts

Navigating the New Era of International Manufacturing The landscape of international manufacturing contracts has undergone significant shifts. If you’ve sensed this change, rest assured, you’re not alone. Gone are the days when international procurement largely meant buying “off-the-shelf” products like t-shirts or computer bags — items that followed universal standards. The game began to change

global trademark lawyers

Navigating the Madrid System and Global Trademark Protections

The Madrid Trademark System Securing global trademark protection is crucial for establishing strong brand recognition internationally. This post provides an overview of the Madrid Trademark System and how it can be leveraged to improve your global trademark protections, along with examining the alternative procedures required for territories outside the Madrid framework. The Madrid Trademark System

International Trademark Opposition Proceedings

Protecting Your Brand Internationally: Trademark Oppositions in China and Beyond

Introduction You’ve just come up with a catchy name for your new business, but there’s one crucial step before you can start splashing that name everywhere—ensuring no one else has a claim to it. This is where the world of trademarks and, specifically, trademark oppositions come into play. Think of a trademark opposition as someone

trademarking Chinese words

Trademark Similarity Across Languages

Introduction Picture this: A young entrepreneur named Alex (all names have been changed to protect the innocent) launches a trendy eco-friendly shoe line named “VerdeVoyage” in the U.S. After gaining popularity stateside, Alex decides to expand to China. However, unbeknownst to Alex, 绿行 (lvxing), which translates to “Green Journey”, is already a registered trademark for