china law blog

President Biden’s Asia Trip and the China Challenge Summit June 9

Recently I was interviewed by Boyd Matheson from KSL Radio on his Inside Sources podcast. We talked about President Biden’s trip to Asia and what he hoped to accomplish there, including the types of signals President Biden would likely convey to his counterparts in South Korea and Japan, and the upcoming China Challenge Summit at

Amazon IP

Amazon Seller Shenanigans and Why You Must Register Your Copyrights

Copyright owners can notify online service providers about infringing material The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) establishes a process whereby copyright owners can notify online service providers such as Amazon about infringing material and request that it be taken down. Such infringing material can include product images, logos (which may be eligible for trademark protection),

Moving manufacturing from China to Mexico

Leaving China for Mexico: Lessons from the Ground

Contents of this Article: Mexico is Highly Focused on the USMCA Mexican Agriculture Has Lessons for the U.S. and Beyond Mexican Manufacturing Cannot Replace China Yet Mexican Business Leaders are Ready in Spite of Their Government Utah is Focused on Mexico’s Success as a Solution to Several Problems All together now: “¡Bienvenidos a México!” The

China COVID lockdowns

The Real Meaning of COVID-zero.

I got an email from a friend/client yesterday and I liked it so much I got his approval to run it, lightly edited to strip out any possible identifiers and with links added. This friend/client runs what was for a long time a very successful manufacturing business in China. He owns and operates a company