Update your corporate documents now to comply with the latest China foreign investment regulations and company law, or face problems later.

Chinese Government to Foreign Entities in China: Revise Your Corporate Documents NOW or Face Problems Later

Urgent Compliance Alert for Foreign-Invested Enterprises in China Attention all foreign investors in China! A recently passed mandate from the Chinese government demands immediate action to update your corporate governance structure and documents. Whether you’re a Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprise (WFOE) or part of a Chinese Joint Venture Entity, adhering to China’s revised PRC Company Law

US Corporate Transparency Act (CTA)?

What is the Newly Implemented US Corporate Transparency Act (CTA)?

United States Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) With the commencement of the new year, the recently implemented Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) is now in full force. In recent years, many so-called “tax haven” countries, to avoid black- or grey-listing by the US Treasury Department, have had to increase their beneficial ownership transparency. The CTA brings the

private equity China

Xi Jinping is Coming to Town

Xi Jinping’s U.S. Visit If you have been paying attention to the headlines, you know that China’s Xi Jinping and US President Joseph Biden are meeting in San Francisco this week. They last met in person a year ago at the G20 Summit in Indonesia. The US and China at national levels have continued to

International distribution agreements

Setting Up Your Chinese Distributor for Success: Titles and Authority Matter

China Distribution Relationships We have written recently about the trend in China business as companies move away from joint venture relationships toward distributor relationships. This is happening with Chinese manufacturers and their non-Chinese distributors in the distributor’s home market. This is also happening in China with Chinese distributors or representatives and the non-Chinese manufacturers and

China risks

How Should We Be Thinking About Today’s China’s Business Environment?

China’s Current Business Climate: Questions Answered Because of our vantage point as an international law firm, we frequently get asked questions by boards of established companies, startup founders, regulators, and reporters. Below are some of the questions about China we have received lately. What is the threat level for foreign individuals and companies doing business

Vietnam international lawyers

China’s Loss is Vietnam’s Gain

The international lawyers at my law firm have been increasingly fielding inquiries from companies looking to diversify their supply chains away from China. Many of these companies are looking to move their China manufacturing to Southeast Asia. To help our clients moving to or already in Southeast Asia, I recently went to Vietnam, Indonesia, and

Florida anti-Chinese law. SB 264

Chinese Nationals Face Land Restrictions in Florida

Chinese nationals face serious restrictions on their ability to buy land in Florida, with the entry into force of SB 264 on July 1 of this year. This new law curbs real estate acquisitions by citizens of seven “countries of concern” (China, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Russia, Syria, and “the Venezuelan regime of Nicolás Maduro”),

China due diligence lawyers

Due Diligence in China Just Got a Lot Harder: Now What?

With the wave of news surrounding due diligence company crackdowns in China, with Mintz Group and Bain & Co. as the highest profile targets to date (see here and here), a reporter reached out to inquire how legal practitioners are dealing with this diminished access. She wanted to know whether and how this complicates business

China Rep Office or WFOE

China Representative Offices

China Representative Offices Is your company considering setting up a Representative Office in China? You will likely find that the process is not as easy as it used to be. In many cases, plans for a Chinese Rep Office result in creating a Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprise (WFOE), which is one significant step beyond a Rep