China copyright infringement

China Fansub Groups and Copyright Infringement

Before the Lunar New Year, Shanghai police cracked down on one of the largest subtitle groups in China, Renren Yingshi ( The police arrested 14 people (not the actual translators but people who run the business). According to officials, Renren Yingshi is suspected of pirating more than 20,000 television shows and films and of earning

China's Dual Circulation Economic Policy

China’s Dual Circulation Policy and the U.S. Response

As the PRC plans for the next decade of Xi Jinping rule, economic planning is at the forefront. Xi Jinping’s core policy for that decade is his new concept of dual circulation 双循环. The concept is that for economic development China must rely both on domestic economic development and on China’s participation in the international

How To Protect Your IP Internationally: The Extreme Basics

How To Protect Your IP Internationally: The Extreme Basics

I recently spoke with an in-house IP lawyer at a high-tech hardware client that does business all over the world, mostly in emerging market countries with weak intellectual property rights and protections, including China. When it comes to protecting their IP, this company employs what he calls a “Swiss Army Knife approach,” meaning they do

Product Development Agreements

Product Development Agreements Don’t Get No Respect

When someone emails one of our international manufacturing lawyers asking us what they should be considering to protect themselves when manufacturing overseas, we typically respond with something like the following: Our clients that manufacture product in China/Vietnam/Mexico/India/Thailand/Taiwan/Malysia (or wherever it is they are asking about) typically use us for some or all of the following

China trademarks for sound

Trademarking a Sound in China

Trademarks are not limited to words or drawings and can include sensory marks such as colors, smells and sounds. In the US, the USPTO recognizes sounds as trademarks if the sounds make you think of a company’s product or service. MGM’s roaring lion, Homer Simpson’s D’OH, and 20th Century Fox’s fanfare are all famous sounds

China product development lawyer

China Product Development: Manufacturing Rights are Key

Our international manufacturing lawyers are always being asked how to structure product development relationships with Chinese companies so the foreign buyer company actually ends up with the rights to the product that gets developed. This post addresses that issue. The key is to focus on manufacturing rights, rather than on intellectual property rights, especially when

manufacturing overseas

How to Avoid Problems when Manufacturing Overseas

1. Sorry, But Overseas Factory Problems are Likely YOUR Fault  The genesis for this post is an excellent post written by Renaud Anjoran and a series of Linkedin comments on that post. The post is on Renaud’s Quality Inspection Blog and it’s called 28 Common Problems Chinese Suppliers Cause Importers.  Renaud is the long-term owner of

Register Chinese Character Trademarks

How to Register Chinese Character Trademarks

As many readers of this blog already know, words in Latin script (including, of course, English words) can be registered in China as trademarks. But can you register Chinese character trademarks in the United States or the EU? This is an important question for Chinese brands, of course, but also for US and EU brands

china law blog

It’s Perfectly Legal for Your Chinese Manufacturer to Copy Your Products

1. Chinese Manufacturers Will Copy and Sell Your Products; It’s What They Do Literally every single day this past week, the international IP lawyers at my law firm received at least one email from an American/European/Australasian company on how their Chinese manufacturer was selling their products at wholesale and/or at retail to others. These emails