Woman doing timeout hand gesture

Is Synthetic CBD Legal?

Although the enactment of the 2018 Farm Bill legalized hemp, the production of the plant and its derivatives – or certain aspects of it – remain prohibited in some states. As a result, many stakeholders are contemplating the idea of using synthetic CBD over its naturally derived counterpart. But does the lack of hemp and

Sephora storefront in France

Sephora Paves the Way in Regulating CBD Cosmetics

While the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) continues to drag its feet in forging a clear path for the sale and marketing of hemp-derived cannabidiol (“Hemp CBD”) products, foreign agencies and industry players are leading the way by adopting their own sets of regulations. Last week, giant beauty retailer Sephora announced it was now

Flag of Oregon State, on cannabis background

Hemp CBD Across State Lines: Oregon

The Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 (2018 Farm Bill) legalized hemp by removing the crop and its derivatives from the definition of marijuana under the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) and by providing a detailed framework for the cultivation of hemp. The 2018 Farm Bill gives the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) regulatory authority over hemp

The Sale of CBD Foods Is Legal in the UK (For Now)

The Sale of CBD Foods Is Legal in the UK (For Now)

Last week, the Food Standard Agency (“FSA”), the agency responsible for protecting public health in relation to food in England, Wales and Northern Ireland (collectively, the “UK”), cleared a path for the sale of CBD-infused food for the next 12 months. Specifically, the FSA is giving the CBD industry until March 31, 2021 to submit

China Hemp

Will China Really Buy More U.S. Hemp? There is No Guarantee

Two major President Trump-centric events have been unfolding these past few weeks, and each has alternatingly claimed the limelight and been overshadowed by the other. First, we have the ongoing Senate impeachment hearings, which began January 16, and second, phase one of the U.S.-China trade deal, which was signed and made public on January 15.


It’s MLK Day. Don’t Forget Cannabis is a Civil Rights Issue.

Happy MLK Day! For our international readers, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is a federal U.S. holiday marking the birthday of its eponymous civil rights hero. Dr. King was the chief spokesperson for nonviolent activism in the Civil Rights Movement, which successfully protested racial discrimination in federal and state law. Dr. King was assassinated in


Will the FDA Soon Treat Hemp CBD as a Dietary Supplement?

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) may soon change its tune on hemp-derived CBD (Hemp CBD) thanks to a bill recently filed by chairman of the House Agriculture Committee, Rep. Collin Peterson (D-MN) and cosponsored by Reps. Thomas Massie (R-KY), James Comer (R-KY) and Chellie Pingree (D-ME). HR 5587 is an Act “To amend the

Vapes FDA

Will the FDA’s Ban on E-Cigarettes Affect CBD Vaping Devices?

On January 2, the Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) issued non-binding guidance (“Guidance”) in which the agency explains how it intends to prioritize enforcement actions to tackle the growing increase in youth use of electronic nicotine delivery systems (“ENDS”)–more commonly and broadly referred to as “e-cigarettes”–as well as to address vaping-associated lung injuries. According to a

canna law blog

Is CBN Legal? What is CBN?

This is the second of a two-part installment on trending cannabinoids. For the previous post on cannabigerol (CBG), go here. This post concerns CBN (cannabinol). Like CBD and THC, CBN is among the 100+ molecules in the cannabis plant. CBN comes from oxidation and decomposition of THC, meaning that when THC is heated and exposed

CBD Label

Should Your Labels Include the Term “CBD”?

A year ago, we discussed a shift in nomenclature for hemp-derived cannabidiol (“Hemp-CBD”) products. Many CBD companies have swapped the word “CBD” for the terms “hemp extract” and “full spectrum hemp” in hope of mitigating the risk of FDA and local enforcement actions. As we previously explained, the main impetus behind this movement seems to