puerto rico cannabis marijuana

Cannabis Can Help Puerto Rico’s Economy Recover

Puerto Rico has taken an important step on the road to economic recovery, with the approval by a federal judge of “the largest municipal debt restructuring in U.S. history.” As the island looks for a fresh start, it should adopt a forward-thinking legal framework that allows it to harness the vast economic opportunities presented by

nist handbook marijuana

ICYMI: Adding Marijuana to a NIST Handbook

Not many people get excited about revisions and updates to the very dry National Institute of Standards and Technology  (“NIST”) handbooks. For example, the NIST 44 Handbook contains the “Specifications, Tolerances, and Other Technical Requirements for Weighing and Measuring Devices.” The handbooks are adopted every year at the annual National Conference on Weights and Measures

cbd food europe

CBD Food Product Approval in the EU

The legal landscape in the Cannabidiol (CBD) sector is changing quickly, especially for CBD-infused food products. Companies looking for business opportunities involving CBD-infused food products are well advised to keep an eye out to new developments. In the European Union one can notice a change in perspective regarding CBD, its danger and use. This can

mlk cannabis marijuana

MLK Day: Cannabis and Civil Rights

Happy MLK Day! If Martin Luther King Jr. were alive today, he would almost certainly advocate to end the War on Drugs. Dr. King never spoke publicly about drugs or cannabis in particular: he was assassinated in 1968, two years before President Nixon signed the Controlled Substances Act (CSA). But it is well established that

lawyer cannabis business sale

The Role of a Lawyer in Cannabis Deals

From startups to multi-state operators, most cannabis businesses will engage legal counsel at some point. All of these companies – but especially smaller ones or less experienced ones – need to grapple with the question of what the role of a lawyer in cannabis deals will be. This can be a difficult question to answer.

flame icons

Spotify Smokes Potify

Spotify AB (“Spotify”) has prevailed in two opposition proceedings it brought against the registrations of two POTIFY marks, which were applied for by U.S. Software Inc. (“U.S. Software”), in connection to its Potify platform. According to U.S. Software, Potify is “a backend software platform designed for legal marijuana dispensaries to market and sell their products.”

cannabis enforcement or compliance

Enforcement or Compliance

The War on Drugs was a failure. It did not stop the drug trade. It just grew the prison system. The War on Cannabis continues through aggressive state and local enforcement and prohibition measures with no end in sight. And we have a massive illicit market. This is all very bad and we collectively need

cannabis trademark basics

Cannabis Trademarks: Don’t Forget the Basics!

The registration of cannabis trademarks in the United States raises novel issues. This is an unsurprising result of the uneasy coexistence between expanding legality at the state level, and ongoing prohibition at the federal level. Cannabis businesses need to keep these issues on their radar when crafting brand strategies. At the same time, however, they

terminate cannabis contract

How to Terminate a Cannabis Contract

In the cannabis industry, many relationships don’t last. One of the top questions our cannabis lawyers get is “how do I terminate my cannabis contract”? Despite clear contract termination provisions, terminating a cannabis contract can be a very difficult. Today, I’ll examine how cannabis contracts can be terminated. Contract termination provisions The first place I

insure cannabis investment

How to Insure Cannabis Financing

Many investors and cannabis businesses are keen on opportunities to participate in financing rounds. As with any other investment or business venture, financing rounds for cannabis operations carry various risks. Investors and businesses looking to participate in these financing rounds naturally wonder how to insure cannabis financing, and what insurance options are available to protect