
Federal Bill Would Raise THC Limit in Hemp to 1%

The battle to raise the limit of THC allowed in hemp from .3% to 1% continues. The 2018 Farm Bill defined hemp as “[t]he plant species Cannabis sativa L. and any part of that plant . . .  with a delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol concentration of not more than 0.3 percent on a dry weight basis.” It

los angeles county cannabis

BREAKING: LA County Will Allow Cannabis

Most people who aren’t familiar with California cannabis regulation are surprised to learn that legal cannabis is actually pretty rare throughout the state. Most cities and counties prohibit or severely restrict cannabis licensing. This includes most cities in Los Angeles county, and until recently, the county itself. But that’s all changing, because LA County will

Oregon Cannabis: Beware the Services Agreement

Services agreements are a problem in the Oregon cannabis industry. These agreements have been around since at least 2016, when our office and at least one other law firm developed early templates in consultation with the Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission (“OLCC”). That form was called a “management agreement” and you will see them referred

cannabis ip litigation personal liability

Cannabis IP Litigation: Principal Liability

Do principals need to worry about personal exposure in cannabis intellectual property (IP) litigation? Surprisingly, the answer is sometimes “yes.” In this post, we will look at the “Borat” case as one example. First, it’s important to note that there are varying levels of liability that can be attributed to a cannabis company’s principals. In

cannabis demand letter extortion

When Demand Letters Go Too Far

Demand letters are valuable tools for creating records, dispute resolution, and much more. But, they can backfire and lead to liability for the sender and even its attorney for threats or demands that are legally improper. Today, we’ll cover some of the basics of when demand letters go too far. What is the purpose of

cannabis purchase order financing

Cannabis Purchase Order Financing

Cannabis purchase order financing is gaining speed in the industry. Because of robust state regulation, high operational costs, high taxes, and the federal illegality of marijuana, a lot of cannabis businesses struggle financially in their day to day business operations. Approaches to this problem takes various shapes and forms across the industry. There are threats

cannabis legalization in spain

Cannabis Legalization in Spain: Legislative Update

Adult use cannabis legalization in Spain could be back on track, following a series of setbacks. To move things forward, Congress recently approved the creation of a subcommittee within the Committee on Health and Consumer Affairs. This subcommittee will analyze the experiences of regulating cannabis for medicinal use. Cannabis legalization in Spain: “To raise to

cannabis and psychedelics business

Mixing Cannabis and Psychedelics Business

Many cannabis companies are thinking about creative ways to pivot into the developing psychedelics market. One of the questions I hear most frequently hear is whether this is a good idea. It’s one thing for companies to leave cannabis altogether and go full tilt into the psychedelics space. But mixing cannabis and psychedelics into one

nfl medical marijuana

The NFL and Medical Marijuana

It’s Super Bowl week! Over the years, we’ve written occasionally about marijuana issues and the National Football League. See here, for example. As more states legalize marijuana, its prevalence in NFL cities is only increasing. This year, the Super Bowl will be in my backyard in Los Angeles (GO RAMS!), and I have no doubt