new york cannabis real estate

New York Cannabis Real Estate Refresher

Real estate is on the forefront of many people’s minds with New York on the doorstep of adult-use cannabis applications. And for good reason: owning or controlling real estate will be a requirement for applicants (with some soon-to-be caveats for social equity applicants). We have fielded lots of calls from prospective adult-use cannabis applicants starting

cannabis trademark use in commerce

Cannabis Trademarks: Is the Lawful Use Requirement Even Lawful?

Is the lawful use requirement for trademarks lawful? In a recent Vanderbilt Law Review article, Robert A. Mikos compellingly argues that it is not. The article is a must-read for anyone interested in the topic of cannabis trademarks, but highlights a problem that goes far beyond cannabis, and indeed trademark law. For those unfamiliar with

oregon cannabis olcc violation

OLCC Violation? Keep These Two Points in Mind

OLCC rules are complex and change frequently, so compliance can be challenging and violations occur frequently. Over the years, we’ve represented clients in administrative proceedings across the west coast, and each system has its own quirks. Here are a few things to keep in mind if you find yourself in the process. Focus on compliance

oregon cannabis qualified applicant social equity

Oregon Cannabis: Social Equity and “Qualified Applicants”

Who is a “qualified applicant” under Oregon’s new marijuana license reassignment program? First, some context. House Bill 4016, which introduced the reassignment concept, represents a sea change for Oregon’s licensed marijuana industry. The bill presently awaits signature by the Governor, and no one is betting it won’t become law. Our take on all of Oregon’s

california cannabis licensing

California Cannabis FAQ

Even though California has been issuing cannabis licenses since January 2018, I still get the same questions around cannabis regulatory, corporate and transactional items even from seasoned California cannabis licensees. This post constitutes a California cannabis FAQ list for readers with common California cannabis questions. Who can own a California cannabis business? Literally anyone at

spain cannabis

Cannabis in Spain: ICBC Notes

This past weekend, I was finally able to attend the renowned International Cannabis Business Conference (ICBC) here in Barcelona, Spain. The event had been cancelled for two consecutive years due to the pandemic. I attended interesting panels on everything from cannabis 3.0, to cannatech, to the current challenges of cannabis clubs in Spain. I want

oregon hemp moratorium jefferson josephine

Oregon County Hemp Moratoriums

On March 7, Oregon law makers passed Senate Bill 1564 (SB 1564) which empowers counties to impose hemp moratoriums within their jurisdictions. To impose a hemp moratorium, a county must simply declare a state of emergency related to cannabis and notify the Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) of the declaration and request that the ODA

mexico hemp

Will Mexico Drop Hemp from the Cannabis Law Bill?

Unfortunately, it looks like Mexico may leave hemp out of the cannabis law bill. That is right folks, after much discussion, lobbying and attempts to educate the government on cannabis legalization in Mexico (yes, we have also made our small contributions), the Mexican Senate seems more focused on creating the appearance that it will go

new york conditional adult use retail dispensary license

New York’s Conditional Adult-Use Dispensary License

The creation of New York’s conditional adult-use retail dispensary license has made headlines. Although New York plans to issue only 50-100 of this new license type, the license type and its underlying rules and regulations is incredibly significant. Why? First, because the OCM and CCB have issued actual rules and regulations that will apply to

california interstate cannabis sales export

California Might Legalize Interstate Cannabis Sales

A few weeks ago, California lawmakers quietly introduced SB-1326, a bill that would amend the Medicinal and Adult-Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act (MAUCRSA) to legalize interstate cannabis sales, notwithstanding the status of federal law. Specifically, SB-1326 would authorize the Governor to enter into an agreement with other states authorizing medicinal or adult-use commercial cannabis