China attorneys

Buying Stock in China’s Publicly Traded Companies: Good Luck With That

I am an international lawyer, not an investment advisor or a stock analyst. So when I tell you that I have never invested in a publicly traded Chinese company and I cannot see myself ever investing in a publicly traded Chinese company, you should completely ignore me and not change your behavior in any respect.

Death of China VIEs

China VIEs Are Dead. Stick A Fork In Them.

January 19, 2015 marks the date of the death of the VIE investment structure in China. On this day, China’s State Council issued a discussion draft of legislation setting out the plan for overhauling China’s Chinese foreign investment legal regime. The new system is set out in the PRC Investment Law Discussion Draft (the “Draft”),

China ready International lawyers

Publicly Traded Chinese Companies are Risky as Hell

Muddy Waters is a hedge fund company that targets dodgy US-listed Chinese companies, shorts them, and then documents the fraud in which those Chinese companies engage. Muddy Waters has an impressive list of Chinese companies it has exposed, including China Media Express, Duoyuan Water and RINO International. These companies appear to have two things in

China Joint Venture problems

Fellowes Brought to its Knees in China: Blame the Joint Venture?

Fascinating article by Matthew Robertson, Fellowes, American Stationary Giant, Brought to Its Knees in China. A couple of readers sent me the article and both commented on how it proves what “you are always saying about Chinese joint ventures.” I am not so sure it does. The article is about Fellowes, one of the leading