




互联网是一个充斥着大麻法律和政策错误信息的坏境。新闻网站可能会放大不那么精彩的报道,给它们披上一层权威的外衣。社交媒体平台,从 X 到 LinkedIn(据说所有的专业人士都在这里),都没有废话过滤器。这种动态并不新鲜!然而,事情发展到

Webinar promotion by Harris Sliwoski titled "Can California's Cannabis Industry Be Saved?" featuring Griffen Thorne and Hirsh Jain, scheduled for June 26, 2024, at 12:00 AM PST.

FREE Webinar Tomorrow, June 26th: Can the California Cannabis Industry be Saved?

Register Here California’s cannabis market is broken. Taxes are too high, local control has proved disastrous, the illegal market is growing and regulations are too burdensome. There are not enough retain licenses and too many cultivation licensees. Over the past few years, the situation has become so dire that many licensees have exited the industry,




Webinar promotion by Harris Sliwoski titled "Can California's Cannabis Industry Be Saved?" featuring Griffen Thorne and Hirsh Jain, scheduled for June 26, 2024, at 12:00 AM PST.

FREE Webinar, June 26th: Can the California Cannabis Industry be Saved?

Register Here California’s cannabis market is broken. Taxes are too high, local control has proved disastrous, the illegal market is growing and regulations are too burdensome. There are not enough retain licenses and too many cultivation licensees. Over the past few years, the situation has become so dire that many licensees have exited the industry,

Promotional material for a webinar on buying or selling a cannabis business hosted by harris sliwoski law firm with speakers griffen thorne, vince sliwoski, and andy shelley scheduled for april 17, 2024.

FREE Webinar Tomorrow, April 17: How To Buy or Sell a Cannabis Business

Register Here On Wednesday, April 17, 2024 at 12:00 pacific time, Harris Sliwoski managing partner Vince Sliwoski (Portland), Harris Sliwoski partner Griffen Thorne (Los Angeles), and Andy Shelley of CannXperts will present a free webinar entitled “How to Buy or Sell a Cannabis Business.” Drawing on their extensive experience from representing businesses and entrepreneurs through

放大镜聚焦在一份标题为 "大麻合同 "的文件上,背景是当局的大麻叶标志。

大麻合同 101:权限及其重要性

从最简单的意义上讲,大麻合同是双方之间具有约束力的协议。但是,如何才能使某项协议具有 "约束力 "可能很复杂。而在大麻行业,事情发展一日千里,人们往往忽视了基本的合同要求,结果可能是灾难性的。今天,我想重点谈谈





