Adams Lee Attorney

"With the proper perspective and actions, international trade law and policy issues can transform a difficult problem into a unique business opportunity."

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About Adams

harrismoure adams lee bio detail

Adams Lee is an accomplished international lawyer with over twenty years of experience in providing strategic legal advice on complex trade and regulatory matters to U.S. and foreign companies, trade associations, and governments. His extensive knowledge covers a broad range of industries, where he has developed strong arguments to advance client interests, effectively managed risks, and created competitive opportunities in both U.S. and global markets.

Widely recognized as one of the top anti-dumping (AD/CVD) defense lawyers in the United States, Adams has a track record of securing significant victories for clients in U.S. Department of Commerce trade remedies proceedings. His strategic advocacy has often resulted in de minimis dumping margins and countervailing duty margins, relieving companies from burdensome trade restrictive orders.

In matters involving administrative reviews under antidumping and countervailing duty orders, Adams is committed to achieving the best possible outcomes. He has successfully helped numerous clients secure revocations of orders, substantially alleviating their regulatory burdens.

Adams has represented companies from China, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, Mexico, Canada, Turkey, Germany, and Spain, securing favorable results in antidumping proceedings and defending the interests of both exporters and importers. Known for his pragmatic, no-nonsense approach, Adams is adept at balancing the costs of defense with the stakes involved, ensuring that legal strategies are both cost-effective and impactful.

Top Anti-Dumping (AD/CVD) Attorney

Adams brings a wealth of knowledge and skill to Harris Sliwoski’s international trade practice. He excels in rapidly evaluating strategic options and crafting comprehensive legal strategies that align with the latest policy and case law. Beyond securing significant results in Department of Commerce (DOC) and International Trade Commission (ITC) cases that enhance our clients’ market positions, Adams excels in demystifying complex trade issues, empowering clients to make informed business decisions.

Adams spends his free time exploring all that Seattle and the Northwest have to offer.

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Fast Facts


  • Harvard University (A.B., cum laude)
  • New York University School of Law (J.D.)


  • Chinese
  • Taiwanese (Oral Proficiency)

Bar & Court Admissions

  • Washington
  • US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
  • US Court of International Trade
  • District of Columbia
  • New York

More About Adams

  • Rolling with the Regulations of Cannabis Trade Laws with Vincent Sliwoski and Adams Lee, Simply Trade Podcast, December 7, 2023.
  • Cannabis and International Trade Issues, NCBFAA webinar, December 1, 2022.
  • It’s Inflation Proof (Or is it?), Here Weed Go! podcast, August 31, 2022.
  • A Fresh Perspective: What the ITC Cucumber and Squash Reports Say, 2022 FPAA’s Spring Policy Summit, Tubac, AZ, March 15, 2022.
  • Importing & Exporting Amid A Trade War: Tariffs, Export Controls & Sanctions, Lewis & Clark College, Portland, OR, March 6, 2020.
  • The International Cannabis Trade, Harris Sliwoski webinar, March 4, 2020.
  • The New Era of Doing Business in the US, Madrid Chamber of Commerce, Madrid, Spain, November 7, 2019.
  • The New Era of Doing Business in the US, Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, Barcelona, Spain, November 6, 2019.
  • Tariffs and Trade, The Transformer Association, Spring 2019 Meeting, April 24, 2019.
  • Fresh Tomatoes from Mexico – Terminated Suspension Agreement, Resumed AD Investigation, What’s Next? Fresh Product Association of America, April 11, 2019.
  • Trump’s Trade War: Tariffs, Deals, What’s Next? Deutsche Bank International Investor Mission, Deutsche Bank, New York, NY, October 13, 2018.
  • International Trade Under Trump, Korea Summit & China-US Trade Showdown: Impact on Washington Business, True World Group, Seattle, WA, May 17, 2018.
  • WSCR: Guangxi Delegation – Regulatory Challenges in International Trade, Washington State China Relations Council, Seattle, WA, July 12, 2017.
  • NAFTA 2.0: U.S.-Canada Trade Issues, American Chamber of Commerce, Vancouver, BC Canada, June 13, 2017.
  • Softwood Lumber Trade Dispute (Version 2.0): How Did We Get Here, and How Do We Get Off This Ride? American Chamber of Commerce, Vancouver, BC, October 4, 2016.
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  • Senior Symposium Editor, Journal of International Law and Politics, New York University
  • President, Student Bar Association, New York University
  • cum laude, Harvard University
  • International Trade Attorney, Harris Sliwoski (2016)
  • International Trade Counsel, White & Case (2004-2016).
  • International Trade Associate, White & Case (1995-2004).
  • Clerk for Judge Richard W. Goldberg, U.S. Court of International Trade (1993-1994).
  • New York State Bar Association
  • District of Columbia Bar Association
  • US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
  • US Court of International Trade
  • Washington State Bar Association

Proven Expertise for Challenging Legal Issues

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Today is the day: a look at what’s at stake and what’s at play in the 2020 election

Adams Lee in LexBlog

Adams Lee elaborate on this further on Harris Sliwoski’s China Law Blog, explaining that “Trump prefers unilaterally imposing U.S. tariffs on targeted imports, while Biden prefers multilateral trade action against China that is coordinated with U.S. allies.”

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wall street journal

U.S.-China Trade War Gets Wrapped Up in Twist-Ties

Adams Lee in The Wall Street Journal

Trade lawyers are closely following Bedford’s case, including Adams Lee in Harris Sliwoski’s international-trade practice, who says: “This currency manipulation subsidy is definitely more interesting than the twist-tie case itself.”

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South China Morning Post logo.

‘Still chance of a breakthrough’ in China-US trade war even if Donald Trump holds off on talks with Xi Jinping

Adams Lee in South China Morning Post

Adams Lee, a Seattle-based international trade lawyer at law firm Harris Sliwoski, said Trump appeared to want to continue holding tariffs over China, given the “Tariff Man” title he has applied to himself.

“He wouldn’t necessarily have to escalate and increase the tariffs from 10 per cent to 25 per cent,” Lee said. “He could say China has done enough to continue talking and maintain the current status quo.

“Seems like more work needs to be done by Lighthizer and lower-level folks with technical knowledge to hammer out what specific actions China needs to do, or what the US finds lacking.”

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Reuters Logo

China’s ZTE Slams US Ban, Says Company’s Survival At Risk

Adams Lee in Reuters

The Commerce Department has an appeals process for companies to try to get off the list, but it is unclear whether that would be available to ZTE because the case had been previously subject to a settlement, according to people familiar with the matter.

Even so, ZTE would have little recourse in the near term because appeals would have to be approved by the BIS, the same agency that issued the ban.

Companies must submit appeals to a committee that would issue a ruling within 30 days, according to the agency’s website.

ZTE’s best chance would be if U.S. companies choose to lobby the Trump administration to lift the ban to save their business with ZTE, said Adams Lee, an international trade attorney at Harris Sliwoski.

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Chinese Takeover Shows New Strategy

Adams Lee in CNBC

In June, Anbang said its chairman, Wu Xiaohui, was no longer able to fulfill his duties. The China Insurance Regulatory Commission said in an online statement Friday that Wu has been charged with fundraising fraud and embezzlement.

“Anbang was probably taken out in a really public manner to set an example for others to step back a little bit,” said Adams Lee, an international trade lawyer at Harris Sliwoski. He’s watching to see if this is an isolated case, or if another Chinese company gets hit in another two to three months.

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Forget the Tough Trade Talk: Some US Leaders Are Courting Chinese Investment

Adams Lee in CNBC

So far this year, investment from China has slowed due to Beijing’s efforts to limit capital outflows. Some in the U.S. federal government have also discussed increasing scrutiny on Chinese deals for security reasons, and the idea of cooperation with China may not fly in some voting districts.

But many analysts expect Chinese authorities to loosen capital controls and remain confident that Chinese money will continue to flow into the United States.

“In the end, it doesn’t matter who opens a new factory in Kentucky, South Carolina, Idaho or wherever. Someone is investing in their community,” said Adams Lee, an international trade lawyer at Harris Sliwoski. Despite a recent lull, “I think there’s going to be more Chinese investment in the U.S. across all sectors,” he said.

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