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Near-Shoring: Can Manufacturing Move From China To Mexico?

Dan Harris in Forbes

May 3rd, 2023

Mexico’s business culture is more risk averse and less open to newcomers, according to a recent podcast with international lawyer Dan Harris and supply chain expert Andrew Hupert. They emphasized that companies can succeed in Mexico, but finding suppliers and negotiating agreements will be more challenging than in China. The number of potential suppliers will be smaller, in addition to them being harder to find.

China’s Xi Jinping A Danger To American Business

Dan Harris in Forbes

September 28th, 2021

Nearly a decade ago Dan Harris, an attorney who works with American companies doing business in China, wrote, “The key to weathering China’s slowdown will be … to go back to basics: think afresh about what a company contributes to China’s economy and how that is likely to shape policy makers’ opinions; focus on scrupulous regulatory compliance; and renew focus on due diligence at a company-to-company level. Above all, no Western company doing business in China should blithely assume that a slowdown won’t affect it.” That’s wise advice today.

How New Balance Ran Into a Wall in China

Dan Harris in Forbes

May 28th, 2016

New Balance disagreed with the ruling for a host of reasons, one of which was that the company barely used the Xin Bai Lun name except on some advertisements and websites, never on shoes. It said the name hardly constituted a trademark. The company has hired a new counsel and appealed the decision. But so far New Balance has lost the fight it picked—and as it waits for a higher court’s ruling, it’s worth asking whether it’s time for them to bow out.

China’s trademark laws, though relatively advanced, break with Western ones in several key ways. The most important one: China is a first-to-file country. “This means that whomever files a trademark first gets it,” says Dan Harris, a partner at Harris Sliwoski in Seattle focusing on China, regardless of whether another company is already making a product with the same name in, say, America.

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