When to register your China Trademark

China Legal Issues for Business: The Ten Minute Version

I spoke yesterday at the 2010 U.S. China Business Conference in Atlanta. I was tasked with talking about the legal issues American businesses face in China and the legal issues Chinese businesses face in the United States. I was given ten minutes. The below is my speech: I am going to be talking about the

china law blog

China Representative Offices: Getting Started

China Represenative Offices Why Representative Offices in China Seldom Make Sense I am always saying that for every 100 China WFOEs and Joint Ventures my law firm helps set up in China, it does one representative office. Why so few, when it is generally agreed that representative offices are the easiest type of offices for

international compliance lawyers

China Guanxi: You Ain’t Got It

David Wolf at The Silicon Hutong blog just came out with a superb post riffing on the meaning of guanxi. The post A Few Notes on Guanxi [Link no longer exists] more accurately and concisely defines guanxi than anything I’ve seen. It is so good and so important, I feel I have no choice but

China WFOE versus Joint Venture

China WFOE or JV?

Just got the below comment (#63 on our post, China: First Let’s Clear Out The Long Time Foreigners) posing important questions and leaving hanging some common misconceptions about doing business in China: So here’s my question albeit already bounced around but no solid answer given…. JV or WFOE for a new foreign company launching in

China's new Company Laws

China Company Law: The 101

On January 1, 2006, China implemented its New Company Law. At around that same time, Steve Dickinson wrote a scholarly article on the new law for the Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal, entitled, Introduction to the New Company Law of the People’s Republic of China. At around the same time, Steve wrote the China