canna law blog

They Said It On Marijuana, Quotable Saturday, Part XLV

Bill Maher has guts. Whether it comes to speaking out (really strongly) against terrorism or in favor of marijuana, he can always be counted on to speak truth to power and to say exactly what is on his mind, and usually in a witty and insightful way. Agree with him or not (and nobody always does), he is

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Marijuana And Social Media: #YouCantPostThat

If you follow us on Facebook, you probably know about our ongoing saga with the social media giant over its having banned our promoting our page or our posts. Why is Facebook blocking us from promoting content from the Canna Law Blog on its pages? According to the Facebook Advertising Guidelines, and from what we have been

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They Said it on Marijuana, Quotable Saturday, Part XLI

“Los Angeles residents are going to vote on a tax on anything sold in a medical marijuana dispensary. If the measure passes the city could be solvent within 45 minutes.” –Conan O’Brien Though meant to be humorous, there is a lot of truth to this joke. Like it or not, higher level arguments regarding the

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How To Handle A Neighbor Who Wants To Shut Down Your Cannabis Business

“Not in My Back Yard,” or NIMBY, seems to be the word of the day for the marijuana industry and this is not a good thing. With legalization taking over state by state, NIMBY neighbors are coming out in large numbers to go after marijuana businesses. NIMBYs can be aggressive and, in our experience, will

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They Said it on Marijuana, Quotable Saturday, Part XXXVI

Terence McKenna, psychedelic philosopher extraordinaire, is credited with saying, “Drugs induce paranoia and psychosis in people who have never taken any.” Count regulators, legislators, law enforcement and the media among the paranoid as well. Thankfully, common sense and evidence-based thinking are starting to make inroads in the ongoing war on drugs, but this past week

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They Said it On Marijuana, Quotable Saturday, Part XXXII

Singer-songwriter and nine time Grammy award winner John Legend speaks good sense when it comes to marijuana, having said the following in a Huffington Post interview last year: I think we need to legalize marijuana. There’s no good reason to continue prohibition, and we need to consider ending prohibition in general. I don’t know if

canna law blog

They Said It On Marijuana, Quotable Saturday, Part XXV

This is part 25 of our Saturday quote series and it will be the first time the quote comes from someone who is not the least bit famous. A number of people told us that they just assumed we would use a Robin Williams quote on marijuana and a number of others even suggested the

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They Said It On Marijuana, Quotable Saturday, Part XXII

For around fifty years, James Garner was a leading actor in television and film. Turns out he was also smoking marijuana during that entire time and he had this to say about that in his memoir: I started smoking marijuana in my late teens. I drank to get drunk but ultimately didn’t like the effect.

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They Said It On Marijuana, Quotable Saturday, Part XXI

I enjoy it once in a while. There is nothing wrong with that. Everything in moderation. I wouldn’t call myself a pot-head. We wouldn’t call her a pot-head either, just as we don’t call someone who enjoys a daily glass of wine or bottle of beer an alcoholic. And more and more of the country

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They Said It On Marijuana, Quotable Saturday, Part XX

This was truly the week that was timely for cannabis quotes.  That being the case, we cannot resist discussing two of them. “Do you want to hit this?” A common enough question for us lay people, but a man asked President Barack Obama that very question in a Denver bar this past week when the