mano con el pulgar hacia arriba pintada como la bandera americana
Canna Law Blog

Puerto Rico: ¿Sorpresa en noviembre para el cannabis recreativo?

Charlie Delgado Altieri, el principal candidato de la oposición a gobernador de Puerto Rico, ha sugerido que se imponga un nuevo impuesto sobre el cáñamo y el cannabis medicinal para ayudar a sufragar las pensiones del gobierno, en medio de una larga crisis fiscal en el territorio estadounidense. Según Delgado, este impuesto estaría justificado, dado que la industria del cannabis mueve "miles de millones de euros".

planta de marihuana y pila de dinero
Canna Law Blog

Recaudación de fondos para el cannabis: Siete puntos clave de las nuevas normas de la SEC sobre inversores acreditados

Recientemente, la Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") adoptó enmiendas finales para ampliar la definición de inversor acreditado, algo que no ocurría desde hace casi 40 años. Este es un gran problema para las empresas de cannabis (y todas las demás empresas) que están en modo de recaudación de fondos porque muchas de estas empresas se basan en las Reglas 506 (b) y 506 (c)

Cannabis, coronavirus y ayuda federal para catástrofes
Canna Law Blog

Cannabis, coronavirus y ayuda federal para catástrofes

El coronavirus ha sido estupendo para las ventas de cannabis. En la mayoría de los estados con programas de cannabis aprobados, tanto la venta de marihuana medicinal como la de consumo para adultos han sido designadas "servicios esenciales" por los gobiernos estatales y locales. Con este apoyo, la cadena de suministro ha capeado la pandemia de COVID-19 mejor que muchas industrias. Aun así, la pandemia no cesa y los negocios del cannabis están

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Canna Law Blog

The Biggest Pitfalls of California Cannabis Leases in 2019

We’ve written many times about how commercial leases to cannabis tenants are their own beasts. Generic leases don’t ever the job done. And, in California, as bad as some landlords want to rely solely on AIR and CAR forms, we generally caution landlords to have a customized lease arrangement when dealing with a cannabis tenant.

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Canna Law Blog

California Cannabis Leasing: Landlord Pitfalls

We’ve written previously about some common issues landlords run into when leasing to cannabis businesses (see links at the bottom of this article). Now that we’ve seen almost a year’s worth of emergency regulations, and the state has released its proposed final regulations, we’ve also seen a variety of cannabis leasing issues crop up. Here

What You Need to Know Now: An Analysis of the Sessions Marijuana Memo
Canna Law Blog

What You Need to Know Now: An Analysis of the Sessions Marijuana Memo

Yesterday proved to be a wild day, featuring Jeff Sessions single-handedly demolishing the federal government’s former cannabis enforcement framework. Now that 24 hours have passed since the news came out, we have had a chance to refine our analysis of the Department of Justice’s move. Reactions in the media have ranged from treating the Sessions

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Canna Law Blog

Buying a Washington Cannabis Business: The 101

Our Seattle office often receives calls from entrepreneurs who want to operate in Washington’s thriving recreational cannabis market. Washington is not currently accepting applications for new cannabis licenses which means there are a finite number of licenses available. This leaves one option for entrepreneurs who want to operate their own Washington’s cannabis business: buy an existing

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Canna Law Blog

BREAKING NEWS: City of Los Angeles Releases Draft Regulations for Marijuana Businesses

The long-awaited proposed regulations under Proposition M for L.A.’s current and future medical (and recreational) marijuana operators are finally out. The 51 pages of initial regulations (that are now in a 60-day public comment period) cover the governance of cultivators, manufacturers, distributors, testing facilities, transporters, retailers, and microbusinesses in significant detail under Proposition M. If you

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Canna Law Blog

Marijuana Banking Band-Aid? Senators Push For More Cannabis Banking Guidance

There has been a ton of speculation about what President-elect Donald Trump and his nominee for U.S. Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, will do about state-legal marijuana in the next four years. Some industry and political experts think a renewed War on Drugs is coming, while others believe neither Trump nor Sessions will undertake the politically