No Bankruptcy, No Problem? Receivership and Cannabis.

Back in 2014, we wrote that bankruptcy is not an option for marijuana businesses. That issue has been litigated here and there since then, but as of today, cannabis businesses are no better off than before. The hard reality is this: all bankruptcy cases are handled in federal courts under rules outlined in the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. Those courts have held

Cannabis Patents: The 101

In cannabis intellectual property (IP) law, as in most areas of cannabis law, separating the flowers from the weeds is difficult. There is a lot of misinformation available on the internet and elsewhere about whether pot is protectable under patent or similar laws, and what patentability means for the industry. This post gives an overview of

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California Cannabis Processors: You Asked, We Continue To Answer!

Three of our California cannabis lawyers recently did a webinar on the Medicinal and Adult-Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act (“MAUCRSA”) and how it repealed the Medical Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act (“MCRSA”) while consolidating some of MCRSA’s provisions with the licensing provisions of the Adult Use of Marijuana Act (“AUMA”). If you missed the

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Hey, DOJ: Look at Opioids, Not Cannabis

U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions is worried about this country’s “historic drug epidemic and potentially long-term uptick in violent crime.” Because he is so worried, Sessions has spent the past month doing things like: (1) asking his old colleagues for funds to prosecute the War on Drugs, including medical marijuana; (2) writing letters to state

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Cannabis Taxes and Section 280E: Canna Care v. The IRS

The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit recently ruled on its second tax case regarding IRC §280E.  Decisions from the Ninth Circuit are significant as they apply to the cannabis-friendly states of Alaska, California, Nevada, Oregon; and Washington. In Canna Care vs. the Commissioner, the Court of Appeals upheld the United States Tax

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Washington State’s New Cannabis Homegrow Rules

In 2015, Washington passed Senate Bill 5052, which allowed medical marijuana patients and their designated providers to grow cannabis plants for personal medical use and band together to form medical marijuana cooperatives. That bill did not provide a legal pathway for cooperatives, medical marijuana patients, or designated providers to acquire plants. It also did not allow

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California Cannabis Leases – Five Keys to Doing Them Right

Commercial leases for cannabis businesses are unique and require special considerations for risk management during the tenancy. Commercial cannabis leases in California are prone to the following pitfalls inherent in a landlord doing business with a cannabis tenant, and these risks should be considered when deciding how to structure your landlord-tenant relationship: Accepting ownership in the cannabis

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Much Ado About RICO

Our Oregon lawyers have been fielding many questions regarding a recent civil RICO complaint filed in the federal court in Portland, Oregon styled as McCart v. Beddow et al. This case was filed on the heels of the Safe Streets decision out of Colorado that we discussed recently, and was clearly heavily influenced by that decision. You