China lawyers

Getting Money Out of China: NOT This Way

Every month or so, someone calls one of our China lawyers wanting to discuss “working with you to help your clients get money out of China.” These are nearly always phone calls (not emails) and we typically do not take the calls. We’ve been doing this long enough (and discussing this long enough with ultra-high

How to form a china wfoe

How to Form a China WFOE: A Roadmap

My law firm’s China company formation lawyers are often asked about the steps it takes to form a China WFOE. So often, in fact, that we long along drafted a stock response to that question. Figuring this response would be helpful to our faithful readers, I am running it below. Please note that the below

China employment lawyers

China Employee Social Insurance Laws

It is not news that Chinese labor authorities have been cracking down on employers that fail to make social insurance payments for their employees. What is news is that Chinese labor authorities are taking that enforcement to the next level. Last week, 28 government departments (including the National Development and Reform Commission, the People’s Bank

China Sexual Harassment MeToo

China Sexual Harassment Protections

On September 5, 2018, the PRC National People’s Congress issued a new draft of Several Sections of the PRC Civil Code (the “Draft”) for public comments until early November. The Draft would provide heightened protection against sexual harassment on a national level and would also impose more obligations on China employers. Below are a few highlights

china law blog

How China Drove Out Mister Softee: This is China

China Law Professor Donald Clarke sent me a great article this week from New York Magazine, entitled, How China Drove Out Mister Softee. Professor Clarke’s email with the link said the following: Thought you might like this. Interestingly, it is NOT a story of “guy skirts rules, naively trusts Chinese partner, gets screwed.” It’s “guy does

China employment lawyer

China Employee Warning Signs

My law firm’s China employment lawyers have done a ton of employer audits this year and from those we compiled the following list of the most common “warning signs” of impending employment problems. 1. All or some of your employment documents are in English only If your employment documents are in English, you are giving

China Repres

Forming a China Subsidiary: Needed or Not

If I were to list the ten biggest/most common mistakes my law firm’s China lawyers see, not forming a China subsidiary when necessary and forming a China subsidiary when not unnecessary would both be on that list. We write constantly about the risks of doing business in China without a subisidiary. See Doing Business in

China WFOE formation

Doing Business in China Without a WFOE: Will the Defendant Please Rise

I do mean to sound alarmist here. Almost since this blog’s inception, we have written about how if you are doing business in China you need a Chinese legal entity, be it a Wholly Foreign Owned Entity (WFOE), a Joint Venture (JV) or a Representative Office (RO). And pretty much each time, our writings on

China trademark protections

China Contracts: Good and Bad

Our China business lawyers see 5-10 China contracts a month written by others. We often are sent these from a potential or actual client who wants us to review and revise their contract or determine how it might fare were they to pursue a breach of contract claim. Other times, we get them simply because

Multi levelmarketinginChina

How to Get Paid by Chinese Companies

Companies often contact our China lawyers on “how to get money out of China”. These questions usually arise from a Chinese entity purchasing assets like real estate or stock and other securities and then failing to perform on its deal payment obligations. The Chinese side claims it wants to pay, but the Chinese government will