China WFOE Documents required

Forming a China WFOE: Watching the Sausage Get Made

One of the most frustrating things about doing business in China is the paper work. I was cc’ed on an email the other day from one of our China company formation lawyers to one of our clients. The client had signed the documents required for a WFOE by ink that looked like the required ink,

Are you operating legally in China

Independent Contractors in China

Our China company formation lawyers spoke with a software company the other day with fifteen “independent contractors” in China they view as “part of the corporate family.” This company was looking to form a WFOE in China, but they said they were in no rush. The first thing we did was tell them that what

China movie business

Media Piracy and the End of Chinese Cultural Exceptionalism

A reader sent me a link to a report on Media Piracy in Emerging Economies. The report, put out by the American Assembly at Columbia University, “is the first independent, large-scale study of music, film and software piracy in emerging economies, with a focus on Brazil, India, Russia, South Africa, Mexico and Bolivia.” It is

homosexuality in China

Homosexuality in China

With the US Supreme Court recently holding the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) unconstitutional, the writing is pretty much on the wall that gay marriage will be legal in all or most of the United States within five to ten years. What about China? How does China view gays and gay marriage? For answers to

China VIE

China VIEs: Avoid, Avoid, Avoid

VIE stands for variable interest entity and they are entities used to allow a company in China to technically be a Chinese domestic company, but be de facto controlled by a foreign-owned entity or entities. VIE structures are usually used to allow foreign companies to get involved in various sectors of China’s economy forbidden to

China Lawyers

Why English Translations Of Chinese Laws are Not a Good Idea

English Translations of Chinese Laws Every couple of weeks, someone asks one of our China lawyers for an English translation of a Chinese law or cites one of our blog posts as an explanation for a decision they made or are contemplating making. The Pitfalls of Using Translated Chinese Laws for Decision Making China’s laws

Guide to choosing your manufacturer

A Practical Guide to Choosing Your Overseas Manufacturer

Whenever I give a speech or write an article or post about what it takes to succeed in international outsourced manufacturing , I invariably list “a good partner” as item one. Perhaps not surprisingly, I am always getting asked how to find the “good partner”. My initial response is usually to say “with great care.”

China WFOE minimum capital requirements

China WFOE Minimum Capital Requirements: The Goldilocks Rule

Companies seeking to form a China WFOE are often confused about WFOE minimum registered capital requirements. Part of the confusion stems from disreputable entity formation companies that claim to know exactly how much will be required and boast of their ability to get the Chinese government to agree to a low amount. Under Chinese law,

China counterfeit lawyers

How to Stop China Counterfeiting or at Least Reduce it

A number of our clients manufacture products that sell for relatively high prices due in large part to distinguishing characteristics of our client’s company or product. In other words, the exact kind of product counterfeiters love to copy. Not sure why, but we have been spending more time lately in helping our clients prevent counterfeiting

China trademark lawyer

How to Stop Your Supplier from Becoming Your Competitor

Renaud Anjoran over at the Quality Inspection Tips blog recently wrote on How your Chinese suppliers might become your competitors. Renaud provides excellent suggestions for preventing your foreign product supplier from competing with you, based on his notes from a talk by Paul Melkebeke, Samsonite’s Vice President for Asia. Melkebeke talked of how Samsonite protects