International lawyers China lawyers
China Law Blog

Want to Keep Your Business in China? Do These Things NOW

China today announced that it will be ridding China of unreliable people and companies. See China is establishing an ‘unreliable entities’ list that will include companies and people. Specifically, China’s Ministry of Commerce announced it will kick out of China “foreign enterprises, organizations and individuals that do not comply with market rules, violate the spirit

China software licensing agreements
China Law Blog

China Employment Contracts and the Employment Term

Our clients are always asking us how they should set the employment term — especially the initial employment term — in their China employment contracts. The short answer is the typical lawyer answer: it depends on the situation. This being said, for new employees, our China employment lawyers usually recommend a three year initial term.

Doing business in China
China Law Blog

Why NOW Is a Good Time to Double Down on Doing Business IN China

1. Things are Bad Between China and the West In yesterday’s post, Doing Business in China or with China: It’s All Good, I talked about how we would try to move away from focusing so much on declining relations between China and the West and focus more on China’s business opportunities, of which there are still many.

US China Cold War
China Law Blog

The US-China Cold War Starts Now: What You Must do to Prepare

1. Worsening US-China Relations Should Be No Surprise Since the very beginning of US-China trade negotiations, we have been unequivocally negative on the likelihood of a deal and we have taken huge amounts of heat for that, via hate e-mail, online, and even from some of our own clients who accuse us of being too

China employee questions
China Law Blog

(Before) Accepting a Job in China: The Questions to Ask

Most of my China employment work is for employers, but in the last few years, my work representing expat employees keeps rising and it now equals roughly ten percent of my China employment practice. This increase in expat employment law matters is due to two things: Chinese companies are hiring more expats, and word has

international manufacturing lawyers
China Law Blog

Setting Up Your Own Factory in China: The Basics

Despite trade tensions, China’s declining economy, and overall uncertainty, our China lawyers have been getting a steady stream of requests from companies looking to set up their own factories in China. These are mostly companies that supply parts to multinational manufacturers that make products in China and are getting pressure from the multinationals to set

China employment lawyer
China Law Blog

China Employee Warning Signs

My law firm’s China employment lawyers have done a ton of employer audits this year and from those we compiled the following list of the most common “warning signs” of impending employment problems. 1. All or some of your employment documents are in English only If your employment documents are in English, you are giving

China Repres
China Law Blog

Forming a China Subsidiary: Needed or Not

If I were to list the ten biggest/most common mistakes my law firm’s China lawyers see, not forming a China subsidiary when necessary and forming a China subsidiary when not unnecessary would both be on that list. We write constantly about the risks of doing business in China without a subisidiary. See Doing Business in

China WFOE formation and business scope
China Law Blog

Forming a China WFOE: Scope is Key

When it comes to company formations, China is from Mars and the Western world is from Venus. For most things related to doing business in China, I often stress the similarities. But when it comes to forming a China Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprises (WFOE) I make it a point to stress the differences. I do